Life Lesson
Best way to f*ck it all up? Argue and combat all while defending against the haters. Think of a negative comment like a cancer; when it grows in the comment section and grows when engaged with any retort other than love, understanding and acceptance. Not only does it grow, but it spreads negative meaning others will chime in and feed off of. Remember, people see life through their lens; they are the writer, producer, director and leading role in their life’s movie. You are an extra according to them, and you need to own that. These are the majority; the mice and they will feed on self-hate because it’s what they know. A mouse does not know the hunt, the mouse does not seek out the hunt, and the mouse does not seek out prey nor own their game. They do not know that language, they know gossip, and they scavenge and prey on the lions kill, on your kill. It was Nietzsche who said, “A lion is not angered over a mouse, his relative power is too great, defensiveness betrays weakness.” A mouse sees what a mouse sees, and a lion sees what a lion sees. This is a truth of life- the opposite of what we know is also true and once we accept this truth, we can accept people and win them over…eventually. This truth is that we have already won over who matters. Ourselves.