Life and lemons!
Vijaya Madhavi
ICF PCC| Certified Life Coach| Corporate Trainer for Leaders| Coach for Transformative Leadership | Coach for Women/Mentor Coach and Facilitator| Corporate and Team Coach| English Language and Communications Trainer
“Life?is what?happens?to us while?we?are?busy making other plans!" Only those of us who have experienced sudden and life-changing events in our lives can perhaps relate to this statement. When you are thrust into a situation you have not asked for, how do you take it? When the intensity of the situation grabs you unawares and leaves you trembling, how do you face it? How about the additional burden of having to deal with people's judgment and close scrutiny of you and how you should be?!
So what do you do when life gives you lemons? Can't help tasting them first. Have to ingest the situation until the gravity of the situation sinks in and you realize where exactly you stand. More often than not, one does not get as much time to take it easy and slow as one has to deal with life's myriad issues which take their own course. The Sooner you can devour it all and take hold of the situation, the better, given its inevitability. How one deals with it, how soon, and how well is all relative and very individualistic.
But everyone is presented with two options once the shock of the jolt is absorbed: Either you douse yourself with the unfairness life presented to you or look through the smokescreen, clear it for yourself, grab the support you can find, and start the life new! People and their judgments may be reserved(trying not to use unparliamentary language here); nobody lives another person's life, so their opinions matter only if they are helpful. In fact, many times what people think could just be your imagination, given the circumstances. We are mostly conditioned by the culture we grow up in and see the world through the same lens. Those who break the glass ceiling are the ones who rise above the clouds to fly high!
When life gives you lemons, taste them to know what you need to add to break the sourness, how much water and sweetener to add to make the best lemonade in town!! More power to you.