Life & Learnings
Few things I learned in life:-
1. Don’t trust everyone but find anyhow the right ones to trust. If u cannot find - your achievements are incomplete.
2. Tolerance is a rare quality. Will always do wonders for you. Embrace it. It is not a sign of weakness. Only the most powerful can use it. It’s the heaviest sword.
3. Anger is enemy but sometimes in the right time used in the right quantity can work as medicine for some sick people.
4. Don’t break trust but don’t break your dreams in order to maintain someone’s trust. Fulfilling your dreams is the purpose of your life. Keeping someone’s trust is the purpose of the relationship. You can live without relationships. But there is no living without life. Keep no guilt. A bird is not breaking trust by flying. They are meant to fly no matter how much love you give to keep it in the cage.
5. Be a boomerang. There’s no harm in going back sometimes. Friends or enemies, if you think u could not express, say or do something in past and that u want to do now don’t think twice. Just go ahead. Going back sometimes heals your old wounds. Healing these wounds is necessary to avoid severe infections in life.
6. Truth is bitter but the truth is beautiful but never haste in speaking the truth. It’s like a diamond, you only uncover it in front of worthy people. Gone are those days when u were preached to always be truthful. I have experienced truth is like hot lava. A weak vessel cannot handle it. It will only harm the person and the environment. So doing homework before speaking the truth is very important.
7. People who do bad to you- the best way to handle them is to delete them from your brain and life. Most of these people want to teach you a life long lesson. What if you don’t learn it. What if u don’t remember it at all. Revenge is a costly affair. Forgiveness is precious. But ignorance is easy and cool ??
8. Never lose respect for people who helped you in your bad times. Sometimes you may not return them what they deserve but true respect is the best return gift. In your every interaction with them let that true respect be visible to them through your eyes. They will feel it for sure and nothing can make them happier.
9. The initial journey of your life- learn to say yes to whatever comes your way. Later part -learn to say no. If you do opposite you will fail miserably.
10. Give 100% to relationships. Your life will be designed in the way you deal with your relationships. No school will teach u. So better do self-study. Parents, friends, children or anything. Follow 70:30 formula. Give 70 expect 30. It’s foolish to say be selfless and expect nothing'. Bullshit! Definitely give more expect less. Anyone giving you less than 30% immediately evacuate, that’s a toxic relationship. It’s like watering a plant without roots.
#mylifemylearnings #thoughts #moral #experiences