In Life it's paramount to discover your WHY! Let's discover the HOW!
Marjory B.
Leadership Development Expert| HR* Talent Development Leader People and Culture Transformation I empower leaders to lead with clarity, vision and impact. Published Author Award-Winning Wardrobe Stylist
Leadership is your most valuable asset. Without it, talent will never achieve sustainable success for any organization.? Leadership is what moves us from point A to point B; Leadership is what makes us all have the potential to be effective and efficient. ?Leadership is what gives us hope for a better tomorrow.
No one ever said it would be easy, becoming a more effective leader:
?Lead Yourself First?
The most important and most difficult person to lead will always be yourself. It's the aspect of leadership that will require the most discipline, commitment and determination. However, it is also the aspect that will reap the greatest rewards. The tempo that is set will generally set the tone for how members within your organization interact with each other. This is a double-edged sword. It can give you great influence over creating a positive mentality within the organization.?
Cast Your Vision
No matter how strong your leadership and persuasion skills are, without a vision, your team will go nowhere fast. One of the defining traits that separates leaders from everybody else. The leader has planned ahead. They feel a strong sense of purpose, developing a plan of action, and most importantly communicating that vision to others.
Lead Others
?The practice of casting a vision as a leader is two-pronged. First, you must have a vision to begin with. Secondly, you must be able to clearly and vividly communicate this vision to others in a compelling way. ?Your team has to believe in your vision. ?As a leader, you are on 24/7.? There can be no transgressions. Conduct yourself with the same level of discipline and maturity that you expect from others—
? Key points -good leaders establish connection and develop positive relationships:
Let's create a winner in YOU!
Marjory Brifil