Life is Inverted
This witnessed joy was paralyzing.
Today on my way home from work after a great day of meeting and exceeding expectations, I witnessed the most humbling scene… there I was at a 3 way stop sign while, in my peripheral, I noticed movement. I glanced to the right and realized, instantaneously, how much life transforms adulthood into bitterness. I am fully guilty of this…
In this brief moment, the sky wasn’t dark yet it had begun to rain. Immediately I was taken back by a young boy, no more than 4-5 years old, dancing without clothes, head up, in a joyful effort to catch rain drops in his mouth. My initial reaction was jealousy. This beautiful being, with no responsibility, no remorse, no concern for who was watching, displayed the most profound joy that has tugged on my heart in quite some time. He was so entranced in that moment that my reality was put in check, rudely, by the impatience of the car behind me beeping to get me on my way.
In the early 2000’s I was a Soldier in the US ARMY stationed at Ft. Bliss, in El Paso, Tx. It was then that I developed a resentment to the term “ignorance is bliss.” Yet, today I yearned for that very feeling. This amazing child, not tainted by the stress of bills, quotas, time restraints, insecurities, family issues and all the anchors that drag us down as responsible adults, reminded me that ignorance is truly bliss…
In my opinion, the Benjamin Button effect should be the way of life. We are approaching the journey of life all wrong. How awesome would it be to start life in a physically limited elderly vehicle, only to get younger with experience to enjoy our wisdom? At that time our body is well equipped to handle our risks. As wisdom and experience is achieved, we are rewarded with the true care of infancy until our time is done. Who’s with me?...