A Life I Don't Need to Take a Holiday From
As I type this I am in Sedona, AZ.??
Today is my 33rd?wedding anniversary. My wife who is one of the biggest inspirations in my life, is off getting a Myofascial Release Therapy treatment. One of eight she will have while in Sedona, where some of the best MFR therapists in the world happen to practice.?
We are work/travelling for the next two weeks. We are in a beautiful place and will enjoy a lot of what’s on offer here. I do have one client meeting scheduled while I’m away and am planning to run a workshop in Phoenix next week, but life is continuing in many ways as normal.
We’ll eat well, we’ll sleep well, we’ll keep training. There is no struggle with this, these are things we don’t want a holiday from. The image below?is the view from the gym we have joined while we are in Sedona. A room with a view for sure.
This morning, I got a message from one of my coaches, Rich Habets. I haven’t seen him since June, but we occasionally get into a WhatsApp conversation, and we have been in one of those conversations for the last few days.??In a message this morning, he said (I am paraphrasing)
‘I know you are very happy in your life, but don’t hold onto it. You’ve got to give it away.’?
Something similar happened on the Immersion I attended less than a month ago. We had been discussing the quote from Steve Hardison,?‘As a possibility, false humility is the ultimate arrogance’.?During one of the breakout sessions to discuss this, one of the men on the Immersion had written an amazing poem about arrogance. Ankush asked him if he could share it, and he was debating whether he wanted to share it or not. Then Ankush asked him, ‘What if it’s not yours to keep?’?
I heard this question on a whole other level than whether he should share his poem. It was a massive lightbulb moment for me. I heard it about me and my whole life and how much I ‘keep it to myself’. I heard it about my document and how much I hold back on sharing that and its impact. I hold back at times in my relationships and don’t share what’s really going on for me. I hold back at times with my clients from telling what I really see to be possible for them, in their lives and in their business.
Don’t get me wrong, I share a lot. But sometimes I play it safe. Sometimes I think that other people don’t want to know what I see that’s available for them. What is possible is amazing … only always. Maybe they won’t believe me. Maybe it’ll sound too good to be true. Maybe they’ll think I’m trying to sell to them.?
My life isn’t perfect, but it’s good. I love it. I love the relationships I have, especially with the people who are closest to me ... and those can still be better. I love the business that I run and the transformational work I do with my clients … and both the business and the work I do can still be better. I love the life I have created. It’s a life I don’t need to take a holiday from (and I do take holidays) … and I know it can still be better.?
So, it’s not that I don’t want it to change. I really want it to keep changing, but the direction of travel is always towards what’s still possible. That’s not to say that things won’t happen that will be challenging. I have had a fair amount of life not going the way I wanted it to. The thing that makes the big difference is that no matter what comes my way, I don’t have to let that define my life or dictate what happens next. This isn’t always easy, but my response to what happens to me is always, always my choice.
I love growing. I love stretching myself. I love challenging myself. Sometimes I hold back, sometimes old habits die hard, and I play it safer than I need to. And as I mentioned last week, sometimes I get stuck because I’m scared.
I’ve been reminded as I wrote this of the amazing words of Marianne Williamson that were used in Nelson Mandela’s inauguration speech when he became president of South Africa …?
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?' Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”?from ‘A Return to Love’ by Marianne Williamson
What if I really am powerful beyond measure? What if you really are powerful beyond measure? What if all we really want is on the other side of the fears we hold onto? What if we live in a world where possibility exists and the only thing in the way of us seeing what’s possible for us is the limitation we create in our minds through our thinking?
What do you still want to create in your world? In your life? In your relationships? In your business? What is in the way of you creating what you want? What if the only thing in the way of what we want is our thinking that tells us that we can’t have what we want? What if we were to show up to all of life, even the terrible parts, as if we were ‘powerful beyond measure’.
What impact would that have on our teams, on our businesses, on our families, on our relationships? I have a feeling our lives would look and feel very different and people who encountered us would be inspired or even more inspired.?
If you’re feeling a bit stuck or limited in what’s possible in your life right now, or if you want to create a life you don’t need to take a holiday from, get in touch. I may be able to help.
Have a great day!!
Operations and Product Executive for Mission-Driven Organizations | Turning Vision into Reality
1 个月Wonderfully written Peter McCammon !!
We help business leaders to Live Longer but more importantly Live BETTER with Data Driven Precision!?? Contact me on [email protected] for more info
1 个月Fantastic newsletter Peter McCammon , I enjoy reading these every Saturday morning!