Life is how you make it - Let us start living as human being

Hi All,

Just starting my first article on everything we see around and how we may improve our way of living, contributing society, and, doing your bit.

First thing of all will be "Helping Society". As per what I can consider being learnt in last few years, anyone and everyone can contribute to society by just doing there bit, which seems to be missing these days.

The list of doing own bit goes long, however, it can start with few points:

  1. Helping people around you in any way you can - It can be as big as giving 10 hours per week to social service or as small as just having some respect for everyone and being human. Frankly, I can say that human touch in this society is diminishing at very high rate and not sure when we all will be completely selfish and more or less like a biggest animal in world, as always said, man is a social animal.
  2. Doing what is given to you - This is very subjective and simply doing my own work with full conviction will help. This will improve lot if things around. No one is asking you to contribute by spending extra time and money, just do your work. This will simply mean: Drive carefully keeping others in mind, take time out for your family, treat humans as humans, small "Thank you" when people even do what they are expected to do, Be more patient while on roads (never keep 60 minutes for 90 minute journey, always have a buffer, breaking lights and all), stopping at yellow, if you know something more than others, don't wait for them to ask and just help them if you can, not throwing waste on roads and your colony, and lot all, I will keep typing, and the list will keeps growing
  3. "Do good for yourself, but, make sure that even if it is not good for others, it is not bad as well" - Not doing your work in office is bad, not stopping for elders on road while driving is bad, not trying your best to improve yourself for you and you only is bad and so on. It is ok to do mistakes, just be ready for consequences and improve yourself tomorrow. It is ok to decide "I will do it tomorrow". Someday one day, that tomorrow will come.
  4. Doing your bit - The day we all start doing what we can, society will improve. Let we not even consider that society will change in one night or all corruption will be gone as soon as we get a good CM or PM. All are human and the day one will start improving, things will improve. I cannot guarantee 10 out of 10 will improve, however, I can assure 9 out of 10 will improve. I will quote one small example here - I try to stop before zebra crossing and 95% percent times I do, and the time I started I was the only one, and now 3 out of six cars stop with me. Things can only change around you if you change yourself.
  5. Treat your elder parents as your child - This is one of the major problems in this world where elders are getting ignored in this fast growing society because we assume that they shall no more than us. Like kids, end days of life are early days of life.
  6. Take control of technology n don't let technology take control of you.
  7. Respect relations and save them to an extent - No one can maintain a good relation with everyone, relation can be by blood, friends can also be part of it, in-laws, your own cousins, etc etc.
  8. Love what you have but never stop dreaming - It is good to be satisfied in your life, but, the day you have no goal is the day you end your contribution to society.
  9. All days are not equal - It is ok if you are not able to contribute for 1 day, just don't ever compromise on way you live as human in society.

And lastly, we all are humans, and it is ok to do mistakes. A bad day does not mean you are bad. Just start tomorrow. Take a good sleep @ night and start tomorrow.

Thanks for reading this, and strict request, please don't like it, just share whatever way you want (if you like obv.. :) )


