Life is hard now or hard later
No matter who you are, life is going to be hard at some point.?You can’t go through this entire human experience without gaining a couple of scars.?
You might not realize this, but as hard as life is, you’re making it harder. It’s time for you to relieve yourself and to make life easier and happier.?You get to pick your hard. You get to pick whether it’s going to be hard right now or hard for the rest of your life.?
Hard work is hard. It’s hard to have sleepless nights, to put in extra hours of work each week. Do you know what’s even harder? Being broke.?
I’ve been in both situations. I’ve worked really hard and I’ve been really broke. I’ve lived off of pasta, ran my company into the ground, lost all my money, and went into debt.
That sucked but if I hadn’t made any changes in my life I would have been in the exact same situation right now.?
You know what else it hard??Tough conversations are hard, but it’s also hard to have failed relationships.?Exercising is hard, but it’s also hard to have joint issues.?Eating healthy is hard, but it’s also hard to be obese.?Financial discipline is hard, but it’s also hard to be in debt.?
So you can decide whether life is going to be hard at this moment or if it’s going to be hard for the rest of your life.?
If you don’t like your circumstances, show me your daily actions. If you’re choosing to be lazy and procrastinate, you’re choosing easy now which is going to make life hard in the long run.?If you were to flip that, then yea it’s going to be hard now, but it’ll get easier down the road. It’s either instant gratification or delayed gratification.?
Delayed gratification is putting in the work now and knowing that you’re not going to see the results in the next few months, even a few years, but it’ll come and it'll be so satisfying.?
Instant gratification is so much easier and that’s why people choose it but if you were to fast forward ten years and see what your life would be if you were to choose instant gratification every time, you wouldn’t be happy about it.?
At this moment all I want to do is sit down on the couch and eat a pizza. Sounds amazing, doesn’t it? But, if I fast forward and do that every day for the next thirty years, my body, my finances, my mind, my relationships are not going to be where I want them to be.?
Your life, right now at this moment is made up of a bunch of teeny, tiny decisions you’ve made in the last ten to fifteen years.?The beautiful thing about it is that you have the power to change what your life looks like in the next few years because of the teeny, tiny decisions you make from right now.?
You are in full control of your life. You have to be the person that makes the right decisions for yourself. So which one will you choose? Instant gratification or delayed gratification??
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