Life Hacks: Top 5 Things You Must Try Before It's Too Late!
Atish H Chowdhury
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Time flies just like birds. They don't always stay at the same place. When I look back, I can't even imagine that there were so many things that I haven't paid much attention to as yet. Today, I"ve decided to write about some of those stuff that we should try at least once in our lives!
Through this article, I want to remind everyone that age is just a number. No matter how much you age, you can still relish the beautiful life in front of you. I briefly explained below some simple joys of life that you shouldn't miss out enjoying no matter whatsoever!
1) Dancing In The Rain
The joy of dancing on the street with drenched clothes is pure fun. In school days, many of us experienced such things. Next time, when it rains -- just go outside and enjoy the rain with no other thoughts in your minds. You will never forget that fun. Mind you, don't expose yourself for more than 2-3 minutes when it's raining!
You can reinvigorate your lost innocence one more time!
2) Keep Writing A Diary
Writing in a diary is an amazing life-transforming activity. I bet not more than 1% of people across the globe maintain their diaries. Keep a diary always in your shelf or a nearby table. Jotting daily activities in your diary makes you feel positive and enthralled. It stimulates creative thoughts and strengthens your perspective on various issues. If you are not getting any topic to write on, then simply write on how you spent your day, and what should be your ideal 'tomorrow' will be!
Writing has no ends. More you write, more distance you can travel to via your brain!
3) Help A Needy Person
I know it's tough. But try it. Nobody is too poor to help others. You can help a needy person with money, foodstuff, time, attention, love and a lot of good wishes. If you can't help them with money or gifts, then at least spend a few hours with them -- understand their pains. It might be a matter of just 15-20 minutes for you, but for a poor person, the time you dedicate for them will be a part of their lifetime memory.
Someone always cherishes the life you have! Never take your life for granted.
4) Climb A Tree
Yeah. Every child loves to climb atop of the tree. This is funny, exciting, and adventurous. If you haven't tried it ever, then the right time is now. Just go to your garden and start climbing a tree. Don't try this if you are a chicken-hearted fellow. But, you can always take baby steps while trying it. Always take the help of a trainer if needed. Everyone can't enjoy the thrill of swimming or bungee jumping, so a tree-climbing can be a good alternative for them.
Imagine a little house on top of the tree - A Pure Heavenly Bliss!
5) Arts and Crafts
You might have enjoyed practicing various arts and crafts activity in your school days. Well, you can even try that now! Just buy a good handicraft-art book and try making something new, innovative, and creative using your own imagination? I"m damn sure you will enjoy it. Have you started it yet?
You can always start and try something anew irrespective of how old you are.
The Conclusion
There is always time to try something new and do something positive and innovative. You don't always need to feel depressed and sad about things of the past, or things that you can't control.
We are all mortals. Nobody knows the future, the only thing that we have right now is the present. Let's make it more positive, fruitful, and hopeful.
If your act inspires even one person then you are successful.
(By: Atish Home Chowdhury)