Life Hack (1 Year Update) - My Experience with Bike Sharing
It's been a bit over a year since I started using Bike Share (Ford GoBike). My 3 month analysis started a lot of conversation so I figured I'd post an annual update to help those considering strapping on their helmet and starting to ride the best data possible to make their decision. I've included an updated version of the original analysis below now with over one year of experience.
In the year since I signed up for Ford GoBikes, I have made a permanent shift to riding a bike as my primary way to move round the city. I don't even consider driving or taking a Lyft when I am traveling solo unless it is super late, raining or I need to go over a massive hill.
I've spent 67 hours (up from 17 hours at my 3 month update) biking 500 miles (up from 129 miles at 3 month update) on 389 trips (up from 85 at my 3 month update). Keep in mind that I do most of my work from home or those numbers would be much higher. I've taken a dozen or so Lyft or Uber rides within the city during that time (up from 0 rides during my first 3 months - increase due to some days with weather and intercity trips with my girlfriend which are not conducive to riding a bike).
Bike Sharing has proven to be an exceptional and sticky life hack that makes me happier, healthier, more efficient and saves money (average trip cost has remained at about $0.30).
Cliff Notes: if you travel regularly between Mission, Hayes Valley, SOMA and the Financial District and don't mind looking less than super stylish, I highly recommend it.
I am going to separate my reflections into 1) new insights and developments 2) benefits of biking 3) additional benefits of bike sharing and 4) a few issues and things to consider before deciding to subscribe.
*New Insights and Development*
1) Ford GoBikes has launched a small number of electric bikes. They are not usually available (maybe 1 out of 4 trips). I much prefer riding conventional as I see biking as a great way to be more active so this has not negatively impacted me whatsoever. The times when I have use the electric bike, I was running late and valued the faster trip.
2) A few alternatives have launched including the red electric Shift Bikes and a few scooter options. I have not even considered switching other than to test the others out. The main reason is that I value having fixed stations where i can reliably pick up a bike which leads to predictable travel times and decreases the time I need to spend on my phone tracking down a bike or a scooter.
I also value the exercise, so in addition to not know where a scooter or Shift bike will be at any moment (they can be parked anywhere vs at a station), they don't get my heart-rate up which is a big negative for me
3) Use cases for Lyft/Uber have become more clear - they are for trips when I will be traveling with someone else, it's raining, it's late at night or I have to go over a big hill. Otherwise, I don't even consider them as an option.
4) Decrease in Availability - as Ford GoBikes has become more popular, I have had a handful of times when a bike was not available in the nearest location (typically at 17th and Valencia for me). Luckily, there are a handful of other stations within a few blocks and I have always been able to find one at a nearby station within a 5 minute walk. I've noticed that at you move to the west end of the system, availability is less reliable.
*Benefits of Biking*
1) I get more exercise
2) I spend more time outside
3) I get places faster - this was a surprise for me. For my typical trip (Mission to Soma) it is faster than BART or UberPool or Lyft Line and about the same (maybe a few minutes slower) for a direct Uber of Lyft when you factor in wait times. Biking is much faster during rush hour.
4) Biking is more predictable than Uber, Lyft and public transport.
This seems obvious in retrospect....Biking is an order of magnitude better than any other transportation option for destinations within a couple of miles where there are no big hills and the weather is moderate. Biking shifts time that I would otherwise spend commuting in an artificial and reasonably uncomfortable space (e.g. Lyft, Uber or subway) and replaces it with being outside and getting exercise. Being outside and exercising makes me healthier and noticeably happier.
Biking is awesome!
*Benefits of Bike Sharing*
Bike sharing increases the frequency of my bike use by at least 2x vs when I used to ride my own bike. Why?
1) No incremental effort vs alternatives. I literally walk to one of the two stations within a block of my place, punch in a code and I am off. There is a bike station within two blocks of just about any flat area in the city. Bikes have been available 95% of the time I wanted one (down from 100% during my 3 month update)
2) Biking one-way is a game changer. I don't need to figure out my plans after work. I don't need to worry if it will rain later. I don't need to worry if I am going to stay out late or not feel like riding home.
3) Never dealing with a bike lock.
4) Never worrying about getting a bike stolen.
5) Never having to carry a bike inside or upstairs.
Other Benefits of Bike Sharing
1) Never having your bike stolen
2) Never having to do maintenance on a bike. Ever.
3) It's cheap. My average trip cost has been ~$0.30 (I'm on an annual subscription)
*Things to Consider*
These bikes are not stylish so if you want to look super cool, these probably are not for you.
These bikes are great on flat trips and as I live in the Mission and most of my trips are inter-Mission or to SOMA or downtown, it is perfect for me. If you need to travel over a hill, you'll likely want to opt for an electric bike or scooter alternative.
These bikes are Lexus not BMW. If you want high performance, you'll probably want to stick with your own bike.
Biking can be dangerous so be careful. (I've been impressed with the bike lanes especially on Market and Folsom running down to SOMA and FIDi and Howard and Market running back to the Mission)
Link to an article I was interviewed in about Bike Sharing in San Francisco
Happy biking!