Today I was pondering the reality of the changing of the seasons.?No longer is it light outside when I arrive at my office, in fact, it is now quite dark.?Seasons change not only throughout the year but also in our lives.?We grow, we mature, and we perceive things from a different angle.?Life goes on.?
As we age, we gain experience, sometimes even a little wisdom.?We learn to see the events around us not only from the framework of emotion but from the history we have lived through.?This additional perspective can and usually does take precedence granting us a better understanding of what we are seeing.?
Life is that rather interesting thing we do as we travel through time.?There are moments that open our eyes, while other times simply seem to be repeats of the same.?Today, yesterday, tomorrow, each is but a moment we record.?Life is an adventure.
An adventure that we more often control than not, but the moments that we fail to see coming are the moments that stay with us.?Those moments are the times from which we determine if a day was good or bad.?Though regardless of the tag we placed upon it, it was life.
So, as you progress through life, may I simply say, may it bring you laughter and a smile.?May you enjoy the sunrises and the sunsets.?And when the unexpected knocks on your door may it too add a fond memory.
May you have an absolutely fabulous day!