Life Was Going Smoothly Until It Wasn’t
DrFred Rouse
I Help People Enjoy Retirement Sooner without worrying about a job or a business with breakthrough Short Window Retirement Planning. Details at
Life was going smoothly until it wasn’t.
It’s that way for most everyone.?It’s been that way since the dawn of time.
It’s everyone’s story.
They make movies about it. Dorothy is just playing in the yard with her dog Toto in Kansas and then out of nowhere she kills a witch with her house.
They write songs about it. Frank famously sang “riding high in April, shot down in May.”
The famous and not so famous all live through it.
You’ve seen it happen to friends and family.
And, I’m sure that it’s happened to you in some way, shape, or form over the years.
Sometimes there’s a happy ending. Sometime there’s not.
However, life keeps going on for you. And when it doesn’t, if you’re dead, you don’t care anymore.
Plan for the future. Chances are that you’re going to be there at some time.
Enjoy the good things along the way.
If you’re riding high, look around and see who you can help pull up to enjoy the view with you.
When things happen and you get shot down. Learn from what lead up to that event so you’ll be better prepared the next time.
Whatever is happening in your life, you are more fortunate than someone else somewhere on the planet.
Be grateful and thankful for what you have, as you pursue getting more, whatever that may be for you.
Live your life goal and enjoy the journey.
And try not dropping a house on anyone along the way :-)
Dr Fred “enjoying the journey” Rouse, CFP
The REAL Money Doctor