Life is a gift of God, live it wisely

Life is a gift of God, live it wisely

There’s a saying “it’s better to not have been born”. But if you are here, then you have an opportunity to correct yourself and willingly rise to the next degree in your evolution. It’s a tough process but it’s one that all humans are now called to participate in. What makes life a gift is understanding that you exist. Because you exist, then you can live. Being able to live is the true gift. It is like being picked to play and participate in a game, team, business, play, party, or whatever else you can imagine to be of interest, rather than having to do nothing, actually not even existing. This fortune of being given a chance to exist is I think truly a gift.

Life is a gift because no one truly knows, the reasons we exist. If we go somewhere when we die, why we born into specific families and how life goes. Its all a mystery. Yes we can speculate, we can also read the Bible and listen to people who have had near death experiences, but the truth is no one know what life truly is. We have the opportunity to love, to Give, to create and help and shape the world around us. The beauty the world has to offer. Life is a gift and amazing.

There are many things that can make life as beautiful and as special as gift, when we receive a gift , we feel valued , important and get sense of joy and and we kind of look forward for maybe receiving more, same goes with our lives as humans we can either present life beautiful through our kindness, humanity and understanding or present it ugly with cruelty, inhumane ways and ignorance, either way the life goes on, it doesn't stop, but what make it special and beautiful may not be traded for the whole world.

Those little things that make you smile. When you get to enjoy something you love. When you experience cool new things. The feeling of fulfilment no matter how great. Falling in love. Having children of your own. Doing good deeds and being a Good Samaritan. When someone wishes you well. Btw to the person that asked this, have a great day. Live in the present and in the moment and you’ll cherish each gift life gives you. Who cares if you got stuff to do tomorrow, enjoy today and worry about tomorrow, tomorrow.

Life is good until it isn’t. If you have problems, let them become a problem when they are a problem. Here’s an example: Pinch your arm really really hard. You can feel the pain, it’s unpleasant isn’t it? Now wait about a minute or two…..the pain goes away doesn’t it? Its not unpleasant anymore, life’s good again. Should it be viewed as something else? Sounds like a bad case of anti social personality disorder. Been there, brother, it doesn’t lead anywhere but misery.

Remember this: Thoughts > Beliefs, Beliefs > Words, Words > Action, Action > Character, Character > Destiny. Your thoughts will physically manifest themselves in your life in the form of behavior. Literally. Be careful with what you believe. If your beliefs do not suit you and do not improve your life, you should probably discard them. We are placed into life. We do not choose to come into being. That choice was already made. We only get one life and it is limited. I think it is better to be a conscious being than not to exist. Humans are the most self-aware species on the planet.

Despite much searching, there is still no hard evidence of self-aware life anywhere else in the universe. I think we should be grateful for every moment we live in this special state - the one we call being alive. It may be a gift or it may be chance. But it is our only shot at conscious existence. We should make the most of it. It is the greatest gift nature has ever given itself.

Life gives itself purpose. It gives itself the ability to experience beauty and carries with it the longing for others to share their lives with us in this wonderful brief period of time we get the chance to exist. It certainly is possible to know what happens after we depart this plane as the oldest of spiritual teachings predating organized religion, and all sages throughout time have each shared the truth.

In Eastern culture this information is accepted and actually guides peoples way of life. In the West however we are still slaves to our ego and refuse to acknowledge this information claiming there is no proof. It only takes an awakening of understanding and developing the ability to quiet the ever selfish ego mind to personally receive the proof you seek. This can be accomplished with the help of a true guide and takes nothing more than a willingness to receive the gift which comes from meditative exercise. Now on to what makes life a gift? It is the greatest of all gifts first because there are souls who wait an eternity to have a physical body, and some may never realize it.

Why is being born into a physical body so special? Because it is the only place you can balance your karma which is the accumulated record of the intent of your combined thoughts, words, and actions, over the course of thousands of lifetimes. Your individual karmic burden is what precludes your reunion with the grand light and it must be repaid in kind for you to ever achieve this glorious treasure. The importance of this purpose of your life is so great that every possible moment you are alive in the human physical form is more valuable than all earthly treasures combined. That is why human life is truly the greatest gift you can be given. Cheers!

Keith Hadayia

Boiler Operator/ Test Center Manager

1 年

Load of shit

Manvendra S.

Digital & Social Media Marketing | Marketing Manager at Bhartiya Shiksha Board

3 年

Good morning ??Kishore Shintre



