Life frightening illnesses relating to obesity
Life frightening illnesses relating to obesity can attack at any stage in life

Life frightening illnesses relating to obesity

Because of the life frightening illnesses associated with being obese and overweight, experts at AWAREmed health and wellness resource center under the leadership of doctor Dalal Akoury MD are united in finding lasting solutions professionally. To that effect, the time for intervention is now and all of us including healthcare providers like nurses have a duty to help in edging obese people to adopt changes to promote a healthier lifestyle with the main objective being the sustainability of life changes through modification of diet, physical activities and use of community supports.

Life frightening illnesses relating to obesity: Safe weight loss strategies

  • Older persons present special challenges when making changes in diet and activity levels. In patients over 65, the increase in chronic diseases associated with aging reduces physical activity and exercise capacity, making it more difficult for elderly persons to lose weight.
  • Widowhood, loneliness, isolation, and depression are other factors that need to be addressed during weight-loss programs.
  • Participation in these programs by family members, as well as the caregiver(s), is especially important if the older person’s vision and hearing are impaired or if there is cognitive impairment.
  • Appropriate nutritional counseling through referral to a registered dietitian is necessary to ensure that the older adult’s daily nutritional requirements are met during weight-loss programs.
  • The benefits and risks of weight reduction in older adults should be carefully considered.
  • Loss of lean body mass, which is already diminished in older adults, may not be appropriate in persons over 65 years of age because the loss of fat-free mass in older adults is associated with significant morbidity and mortality.
  • A weight loss program that minimizes muscle and bone loss is necessary for the older adults who are obese and have functional impairments or metabolic complications that might be improved by weight loss.
  • Improving physical function and helping to preserve muscle and bone mass through regular physical exercise is important for older adults who are obese.
  • Increasing flexibility, endurance, and strength should be the objective of regular exercise in older adults who are obese.

Finally, to ensuring that the life of our old people well cares for the use of professionals who are well conversant with obesity is very important all the way. Together we have a duty to help patients and especially the older obese people to manage their weight along with general considerations to facilitate weight loss safely. Doctor Akoury is one of the most trusted and respected healthcare professionals who also the founded AWAREmed Health and Wellness Resource Center, she is committed to helping people globally in all matters of overweight and obesity in the most natural way and putting emphasis on Neuroendocrine Restoration (NER) to reinstate normality through realization of the oneness of Spirit, Mind, and Body, Unifying the threesome into ONE. It is, therefore, time for you to take the lead role in combating the obesity epidemic in our societies today and kick out this problem from our neighborhood by scheduling an appointment with her now for the commencement of your recovery process.


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