The life of foxes in 2072

Chapter I – Once upon the time…

The wind was blowing. Clouds were grey and were running south. A light rain was hitting small leaves on some trees. The sight of the fox was turned to this inaccessible space above him. It brought what could be seen as a smile on his spiky snout. A human interpretation, if there had been a human there. There were none, there were no more. Many seasons had rotated since the fax had not met a human anymore, neither alone or in group. With his fox instinct, even himself would not dare to consider the pictures he could see in his brain as intelligence, he had more than once asked himself where all these two feet had gone. The ones who had made the life of his parents so hard and to generations of red foxes before himself. Then the pictures had blurred. And today, for the first time after many seasons this image had come back to him.



