The life of foxes in 2072 - Chapter I – follow-up n°4 – Once upon the time…
A green,green,green Earth - Brittany

The life of foxes in 2072 - Chapter I – follow-up n°4 – Once upon the time…

A roar passed through the Earth, a roar close to the one of a much bigger predator than this big eagle, a roar from a bear or a snow lion, it was difficult for the female fox to perceive. The roar was now fulfilling the air. The eagle so surprised moved his wings and touched the mother fox, and left.

She felt her heart beat and the fear got over her. A yapping called her. She got under into the burrow. Her fox kid was there at the entrance. He sticked to her fur. The roar exploded next to her in the burrow. She jumped of surprise and bumped her head over. She got back on her feet ready to fight for protecting her offspring. Her son turned his head smiling to her. His eyes were shining, his moustache gave her this incredible information: his son was able to produce sounds that he did not know. He had felt she was in danger. And without controlling it this roar had come out of this small throat. He did not know himself what it could mean. He knew, however, that the bird would be frightened and he could protect his mother, and so he did.



