Life is Not Fair!
Sylvester "Rusty" Robinson III
(29k+contacts) Land Services Provider 100% of projects In The Queue
I dont believe that for one second. We ALL get 24 hours and 7 days each week regardless of who we are or where we come from. What are we doing wth that time? The choices we made has put us where we are today and the choices we make today will determine our tomorrow. So why would we put our time and future in someone elses hands?
Our precious oil and gas market has crashed and most of the meal tickets that we took for ganted have vanished. We can all agree to that, but some people see opportunity and some people will simply bitch and moan. Which one would you prefer?
Sovereign and its principals see opportunity and have paved the way by engaging with multiple funds in order to put folks back to work. See what we have been up to and register for a live event and grab control of your present and future. See below for more details.
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