Life Doesn't Favor The Excuse Maker

Life Doesn't Favor The Excuse Maker

Here's a story from high school about a core principle I learned,

Back in high school, I was enrolled in a program called ROTC, to be specific NJROTC which stood for Navy Junior Reserves Officer Training Corps.

Why am I mentioning this?

Well, there were always a couple of common themes throughout the entire program that transpired into the everyday life that I live now.

I'm not a huge advocate of our educational system, but that program taught me more about practical real-world things than any other class did hands down.

Although I didn't like it at first because I felt like I was always being "bossed" around, after 2 years into it, it all started to make sense.

You see there are core principles these guys follow, which also go into the military world.

For starters, they didn't fucking make excuses and they took full responsibility for everything that happened.

What do I mean by that?

I mean that any and every time something went sideways with a platoon, with their grades, with their life, mom and dad saying something, a fight in school maybe.

It didn't matter what it was, there was NO EXCUSE.

"John, where's your homework?"

"I forgot it...No excuses sir"

"John, you didn't pass your exam, you're gonna have to retake"

"Yes sir, I should've passed the first time, no excuses sir"

"John, you got into a fight in school, why"

"Yes sir, No excuses sir, my fault sir, I shouldn't have done that"

And it was like that all around, no matter what happened there was no excuse for what had happened for them, they didn't care, there was NO EXCUSE, everything was up to them.

You didn't do well on an inspection? NO EXCUSES

You got a bad grade in English? NO EXCUSES

And I remember that it wasn't the excuse-makers that were getting leadership positions in the company (The entire legion of students) either.

It was the guys who took responsibility and didn't make any excuse, the ones that stayed late and came early.

My Lt Commander (Company Commander) was someone I was good friends with. I wanted to be up in the ranks like him.

We had a huge company inspection coming up which we have every year, and he's the one who leads the company during that.

During the entire company inspection he went around and overlooked every student during the dam thing, Legit 120+ students and he looked at every one of us to make sure that we were in good standing.

Not only that, he then walked around with the inspecting officer during the whole thing, lo and behold, there was a couple mistakes some of the students got.

He goes "No excuses sir, I looked over everyone, I should've been more meticulous about it."

He was inspecting the guy before me, during that he quickly looked me over since I was standing in front of him, gave me a smile and said, "no excuses" under his breath. I chuckled a bit.

After it was all over, he came to talk to the whole company back in the room we were all in.

He said,

"I appreciate everyone who came for the inspection, I made a couple of mistakes, by not being more adamant in my inspections previous to the inspecting officer, but that's no excuse for me to not take responsibility for that. However, with that being said, I just want to say, that we got "Most Distinguished Unit" award, awarded to us, for being the most improved unit in the year"

it was the first year the unit had ever gotten that. That being said

We went nuts, That is a man, who made no fucking excuses.

the following year we qualified to go to ROTC Nationals, which is a championship competition for drilling, and a couple other things.

We were super excited it was a great time. however, we lost, horrendously, I remember some cried, others took it harshly, others were silent and at the end of it all.

The Lt Commander came up and said

"You all did a good job, don't take it hard on yourselves, we made it here, and we'll do it again. I should've been more well prepared for all this. I should've practiced more, I should've studied more. but none of these are excuses for me to have not done better. We can only strive to do better, and we will do better the next time we are here. It's my fault for not preparing us well enough for this entire thing. Keep your head up tho guys, HOOYAH!"

and every one replied with a resounding "HOOYAH"

Simply, because in truth, there was no excuse, you can always do something, and life doesn't favor the excuse maker. You can always take responsibility for what happens.

Taking responsibility is the biggest thing you can do, DONT BE A FUCKING EXCUSE MAKER.

Be responsible and then take the necessary actions to move from that.

How does this apply to life? or business for that matter?

I've learned that the more times I decide to take responsibility for my actions, my situation, my life, my business, my health, my spirit, body, mind or anything.

I also remind myself, that I can change those things.

You see the excuse maker, will always find an excuse as to why they are at where they are at.

The excuse maker will find the smallest things to put blame on and to put that responsibility on.

It's not easy being responsible for everything. you have to throw your ego in the backseat, and own the fuck up.

Your business isn't doing well? NO FUCKINNG EXCUSES


You didn't hit a goal? NO EXCUSES, take responsibility, why didnt you? and what can you do to move from that?

Responsibility is the highest form of maturity.

The point im trying to make is.


And start being Extremely responsible and take ownership of everything about you.

Be here on Saturday and I'll release principle 2 ;)


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