A Life & Debt Situation: Let's Talk
Traveling sometimes unlocks deep set life lessons.

A Life & Debt Situation: Let's Talk

Is it taboo to talk about money?

All too often I come across a person here and there who is gravely uncomfortable discussing money problems or sharing their stance on finances. I too was raised by a generation that believes that is personal information that stays behind closed doors. And for many many years, it was understandable in the competitive markets to do so. There are fair arguments against sharing this kind of information but I believe the pros out weigh the cons. Safety and security are among those reasons of course, but even within tight communities of trusted people, simply having a conversation can bring people up who otherwise may have been struggling silently. So let us get down to the discussion at hand. (And remember, comment below things you would like me talk about. Resumes? Demo Reels & Portfolios? Social discussions?)

Today, with so many new fees and higher taxes along with general inflation, money has actually become more complicated than ever. Well, perhaps not more complicated, just more breadth in options and opportunities. But the principles remain simple; Make more than you spend and you come out on top.

Debt is unavoidable. Sometimes useful. Usually detrimental without any training or financial coaching. We all will have some type of debt in our lives for many many MANY years. Acknowledge and accept that you aren't the only one dealing with managing payments. Some people will have it easier, and some people will have it critically worse. But we all get faced with Life-and-Debt situations (yes, I am proud of this pun). And we all are able to rectify a bad scenario with time, discipline, and support.

I will hyper simplify these concepts for the sake of illustrating a practical approach to handling debt here. But please understand you can alter details here and there to help these concepts fit your situation.

Debts That Burn

Lets break debt into 4 categories ( I am hungry so lets use cooking as the metaphor ):

  • Set it and Forget it
  • Low and Slow
  • Oven Roasted
  • Frozen Turkey in the Deep Fryer

Set it and Forget it

This debt is all about automation that will persist for many years and as long as you have the minimums being paid, it is not your biggest priority. This usually consists of mortgages and any large debt with an interest lower than 6% (5% would be ideal but that's not popping up as often in the current market)

You will eventually come back to this to deal with it but there are far more time sensitive debts to tackle.

The following categories will also be mentioning automation. You bank should be able to support repeating deposits or transfers. Double check to make sure you do not get charged for too many of these. Consider using a credit union instead of a big bank if it makes sense to do so.

Low and Slow

This category might be called the "low hanging fruit" of debts. These are your Store credit card single purchased item kind of debts. I once bought a $400 microphone from guitar center and set up one of these cards and promptly lost the card and forgot the debt until it reminded me two years later that I now owed $500. Not every shop is the same, but for interest rates that are around 10%-15%, this can be deferred until worse credit card debt is handled.

If you want to and have the extra need to just get rid of the debt you can. But this debt should just be automated as well. compared to a 25%+ APR credit card holding a balance of $4000 or more, this puny shop card is not doing too much damage in comparison. Automate it, and it'll clear over time.

Oven Roasted

This debt needs your attention but unlike our final category, this debt doesn't come with guilt or a life lesson as you'll find out. These debts are your exchanges of money for skills/training/access/etc. Student Loans, Personal Loans, Small business startups, ticket for a trade convention. Things you purchase that will get you further in life and career later on. Rest assured you didn't squander the money, even if you don't fully utilize the resource you bought, we all tend to indirectly grow here as well.

That being said, these exchanges usually take a hefty chunk out of our bank and sometimes come with a larger interest rate too. These need to be focused down using the Snowball or Avalanche methods I mentioned in this blog. It is incredibly important in the future that you have automations set up to prepare yourself for events like conventions or digital courses. Once the debts are handled, start trickling in dollars at a time for an annual sub account dedicated towards career events.

Frozen Turkey in the Deep Fryer

For goodness sake don't do this debt. There are better, fiscally responsible and NOT LIMITING ways to go about these purchases. I probably don't even have to explain which debts these are. You already know. Its probably why you are reading this blog. Mine? Compounding takeout charges, a few too many video games, oh and a whole suite of software for my amateur music making journey...

I dipped into the credit cards too often and too deep to the point a brand new card maxed out faster than a Taylor Swift concert. I could argue that those purchases furthered my music career. But I have no intention to having a real music career. I have a perfectly fine programming career. So it is in the category of toys for me. YMMV.

Also, out of curiosity, what was a purchase in this category that left you feeling burned that you got over? Are you still knocking it out? How is that going?

This category is the over purchasing, the credit cards with 25%+ APR, the amounts that pull you down like a bucket of crabs pulling one another down. You want to focus these debts down hardcore. This is your number one priority because left unchecked, too high of an amount can make the debt higher than you can pay towards it. Once you reach that threshold, you will need to find ways to spend less and/or make more in order to power it down.

Take on second jobs, sell unused things around the house, reduce down to one car, etc. In extreme scenarios you have to get scrappy and this is the category to really get scrappy about.

More importantly, you'll really want to let that scar remain as a reminder. But its okay. You aren't the only one who deals with these kinds of challenges. If anything, these extremes are the motivators to make the change in your life. Make sure you are still automating all of your Required Costs in life, and as much as you can muster up needs to go towards these life altering debts. Say no to parties, say no to major social events, say no to big purchases of any sort until you get these ones under wraps.

THEN AND ONLY THEN can we start the conversation on how to make you rich enough to spend the money you want to spend.

We can dive into options for that in another article. For now, lets move onto living life while saving money...

The Balancing Act of Living and Saving

It is so easy to tell someone "spend less than you make" but what about life? What about experiencing the world? After all, it is an awesome experience being able to take in cultures and foods, music and architecture, stories and films. When do we have time for it if we are busy trying to focus on our finances?

Here's a hot take: I feel that it is almost detrimental to pursue a so-called "work-life balance" and to multitask all aspects of life in general. For me, it feels half-assed if you cant put in your best effort taking care of something and making sure it is done right. When I lived out in Tokyo, my coworkers mentioned a phrase a few times that resonated well.

"Work like Ants, Play like Kings"

Simply put, focus on what needs to be done with full attention. Stop. Then relax or live life wholeheartedly.

Life, to me, can benefit carrying this notion in how we spend our energy improving our futures. Sometimes life is busy being complicated and sometimes you get a breather to make a difference. "Life Seasons" will sometimes be about family, perhaps about career growth, financial planning, raising children, travel, etc. Try to allow yourself the grace to accept not every moment will be all about time to play. But equally so, there will be time to relax and enjoy your time. Work Earnestly to set that stage for a better vacation later. Defer the gratitude so that the rewards are greater.

You won't get to choose when these seasons change, but make sure you take a moment and ask yourself how consequential is your attendance/presence in your day-to-day. Can you take a brief step back from the desk and delegate work to someone else to deal with the daily? Can you opt out of that app subscription to put that $15/month towards a Birthday gift 20 weeks away? What about 2 subscriptions? Likewise, do you need to visit family and the plane ticket means skipping a couple weeks of investing? Some of the intangible things cannot be measured with money, and its not like we take money to the grave.

It is not a matter of balancing living for the day and saving for tomorrow simultaneously. It is about ensuring you know when to focus on one over the other and doing so wholeheartedly. The balance is over a long period of time. Even if it means sacrifice for a couple of years if it means more time for family when it matters the most.

I like to believe that so long as we give it all our earnest effort. In time, more opportunity will follow. Escaping debt leads to financial flexibility. Financial Flexibility leads to focusing time on what matters to us the most. And I don't find it na?ve to work my damnedest toward that result.

Thanks again for tuning into a weekly opinion piece. I truly hope that these little tidbit articles can motivate others to pursue a more aligned future to their dream life. I am always happy to have a conversation, just reach out to me and I'll respond when I can. And please consider sharing a link to this newsletter for others to discover.

Thanks and see you next week!

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