Life Of Contract

Life Of Contract


An action or indication by one party (the offeror) that he is willing to make an agreement with another party (the offeree). If accepted, it will create a K. A demonstration (manifestation) of the intent to make a deal.

The manifestation can be in many forms: spoken or written or displayed by action. When you walk into a restaurant and sit down, the owner offers to feed you and you indicate your acceptance by sitting down, ordering your meal, and eating it. Not a word about Ki?s is spoken! But you've entered into one. You've clearly demonstrated - manifested - your intention.

Another example of an offer: 'I (offeror) will sell you (offeree) my car for three thousand dollars'.

Example of a non-offer: 'I am thinking of selling my car for three thousand dollars.' Even if you say you'll pay me the three thousand there is no K because I never offered to sell it!

An offer needs four specific and definite terms: the who, the what, the price, and the time.

  • The Who: Both parties must have the mental capacity to make a K. That is, they should be adults with the ability to understand what they are doing. (Contracts made with children or mentally incompetent adults are not covered in these materials. They are generally voidable.)
  • The what: The subject of the offer must be definite and specific and both parties should know what they are contracting about. If I thought I was selling the red car and you thought you were buying the blue one, there may be no deal. This is the mutuality requirement of K's. Lawyers talk about the meeting of the minds. I Parties have to agree about the same thing and the same terms.
  • The price: The price or other consideration must be definite and specific.
  • The time: the offeror specifies the length of time the offer remains open. For example, 'If I doni?t hear from you by Friday, the deali?s off.i? If no time is specified, the law implies a reasonable period of time, depending on circumstances.


An offeree agrees to the terms of the offer. 'Yes, I'll buy that car for three thousand dollars next week.' Your sitting down at the restaurant is an acceptance. Remember: silence can be a form of acceptance.


An offeree does not accept the terms of the offer, either by an outright rejection or by a counteroffer.


A change in the offer made by the offeree. For example, i?Ii?ll buy your car for twenty-five hundred dollars,i? or i?Ii?ll buy your car if you wash it.i? This is not an acceptance; iti?s a counteroffer. It does not create a K. Rather; it creates a new offer, this time by the (former) offeree.


Something of value exchanged for a promise or performance. i?Ii?ll pay you twenty dollars for mowing my lawn.i? Usually, consideration is required to make the promise binding and the K enforceable in court. Iti?s the quid pro quo (i?something for somethingi?) of the deal. In this case twenty dollars and the mowing are the - mutual considerations.


The simplest definition is that it is an agreement between two or more parties. Each makes a promise that, if breached, is enforceable in court.

Contrary to popular belief, K's may be written or oral. So long as there is an offer, an acceptance, consideration, and other terms are satisfied (e.g., the parties have the required mental capacity, the subject of the K is not illegal, and so on), there can be an enforceable K, whether written or not.

But some specific K's must be in writing to be enforceable. These include:

  • A. K's dealing with real estate, except for a lease for less than a year.
  • B. K's for the sale of goods for more than five hundred dollars.
  • C. K's for a job that lasts more than one year.
  • D. K's in consideration of marriage, such as prenuptial agreements.
  • E. K's that promise to pay someone's debts.

In general and for these K's in particular; an important reason to i?get it in writingi? is that writing memorializes the transaction. Memory can fail. If an argument arises later about any aspect of the K, the parties can prove their positions more easily if they are written down. i?But you saidO?,i? i?No, I didni?t,i? or i?Gee, I doni?t remember,i? areni?t very persuasive.


A promise of performance given without anything of value in exchange. Usually, gifts or the promise of gifts are unenforceable.

Exception: A gift may be deemed a K under certain situations, in a quasi- K. The law may imply a K in order to promote fairness and justice. Unlike an explicit (actual) K it is not based on the partiesi? mutual intent. Rather, iti?s based on the principle that a party has to pay for what he receives. For example, if a stranger finds your dog and feeds him for several days before you find the stranger and your dog, a K for the room and board for the dog may be created. Besides being grateful for the return of your i?best friend,i? you may have to pay for his care.

Did anyone say this would be easy? It may not be easy, but there is a certain beauty and fairness in it, isni?t there? We move on!


An equitable (equity) doctrine that makes a promise binding, even if there was no consideration, if that is the only way to promote justice.

For example: Uncle Bob promises nephew Jim one thousand dollars after he graduates. Jim spends the money on a new TV before he actually gets the money. Later, Uncle Bob doesni?t pay. If Jimi?s reliance on the promise was reasonable (Uncle Bob had kept his promises in the past!), then Uncle Bob may be estopped (prevented) from denying the existence of a K, even though, in fact, one had not been made. (Uncle Bob had, in fact, simply promised a gift.) The promise may be enforced, up to the amount already spent the amount relied upon. These cases rely on the facts: Was the reliance reasonable? Did Jim graduate? Et cetera.


The putting into effect of what the K specifies; the enactment of what's promised whether to buy a car, paint a house, start work for the other party, et cetera.


A K that the law will enforce. You may take a K to court to seek a remedy if you believe the K was breached. Obviously, whether you win or not depends on the facts you present.

11. VOID K

A K, though it may have the necessary terms, is not enforceable. For example: An agreement to do an illegal act, such as to kill a person, or to buy contraband or to pay gambling debts (unless in a jurisdiction where gambling is legal), is void. It was never an enforceable K. Another fancier way to state this: It was null and void ab initio. It had no value from the beginning.


A K that may be canceled by one side. For example, a K with a minor may be voidable, if the minor chooses to cancel it. The minor may choose to do this at any time while he is still a minor. If he doesni?t cancel it, then it may be enforced.

A K that is grossly unfair to one side (generally a consumer) may be voided by a court (not the parties themselves.) This is an equity principle, codified under the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC). It may be voided because it would be unfair, unconscionable, to enforce it. This is an example of the doctrine of unconscionability.

Other voidable K's are those made by an unintentional mistake or through intentional fraud or misrepresentation or duress. Again, the dispute becomes a factual one.


A failure to carry out the terms of the contract. In legalese, it's 'wrongful nonperformance.'


When a breach occurs, remedies are used to right the wrong, to compensate the party whose K was breached. Remedies in law and equity include:


The cancellation of a K and the returning of the parties to their situation before the K, the status quo ante. The parties, not performing the K, may have to return items or moneys exchanged. This type of returning is called i?restitutioni?-returning things to the owner to i?make him whole,i? as he was before the K, so there is no unjust enrichment by either party. This is equity principal. The law does not like one party taking an unfair advantage of another. In equitable terms iti?s simply not fair!

16. RESTITUTION See rescission above.


Forcing one party to perform according to the K. This remedy may exist in real estate cases, where a seller may be forced to sell the property to the buyer. The theory is that this is the only way to make the buyer whole, as no two properties are the same. Usually, you cani?t force a person to perform a job or service. Thati?s slavery! It was outlawed after the Civil War by the Thirteenth Amendment!

Isn't it interesting how these various laws merge and interplay? Yes, what we learned in civics actually works!


The parties may agree to settle for less than bargained for in the K. This is a type of forgiveness. In effect a new K is -entered into. For example, the buyer might accept the goods later than promised without demanding a penalty.

Book Courtesy:

ZEESHAN RAZA in Civil Engineering| in Environmental Engineering

7 个月




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