Life Coaching for Women: 11 Powerful Strategies That Will Make You Mentally Stronger and Happy
Robert Moment-ICF Leadership and Startups Coach
Tech CEO Startup Leadership & First-Time CEO Coach | AI-Driven Leadership Development for Scaleups | Business Scaling Strategies | Build Teams That Disrupt & Dominate Markets | Free CEO Blind Spots Quiz to Scale
No matter what’s happening in your life, sometimes we’re just not mentally prepared for it. The world around you can sometimes feel like it’s throwing things your way that are just constantly defeating you, leaving you disempowered, and that you just don’t have the strength to find happiness.
Being happy doesn’t have to feel as if it’s an exhausting effort each and every day of your life. While, for most, this actually is the case for so many women, it doesn’t have to be for you any longer. Living a life where you’re mentally strong day in and day out isn’t something of fantasy. That kind of discipline is developed over time, with practiced routines great habits, ways of thinking, and actions that keep you moving toward the life you want to be living.
Imagine that for a moment, you’re living your life at the top of your game each and every day. Waking up so excited for what’s in store that day that everyone around you is annoyed, yet even that doesn’t bother you. You’re living an unstoppable life filled with love, so much so that no matter what the day brings your way, you’re un-phased. You keep moving forward, mentally strong, living and being happy.
It doesn’t take a special course in life coaching for women to live a life like this. You’re actually capable of stepping into that life in this very moment. It takes commitment, integrity with yourself, and just as much accountability with yourself. Most of all, you have to be honest. Because if you can’t be honest with yourself, who can you be honest with, right?
So how do you build this mental strength? It’s about finding habits, along with some guidance along the way, to keep your mind from playing tricks on you. That’s what it does, our mind is our biggest enemy, no matter who you are. It won’t be an easy journey, but it will be one where you’re living a life that you dream of.
We’ve put together some of the best strategies to get you on your way to living a mentally strong and happy life. Eleven strategies, in fact, that we want to share with you today.
1. Wake up and make your bed… every day.
It sounds kind of weird, doesn’t it? But think about it for a moment. If the first thing you’ve done after waking up isn’t scrolling on your phone, but rather, you make your bed, you’ve already accomplished something in the first minutes of the day. This may feel like something so miniscule in the scheme of your day, but taking the time to make your bed leads to you feeling productive.
Feeling productive to start your morning, every morning, gives you a natural sense of pride and accomplishment in yourself. Now that you’ve made your bed, it’s time to brush your teeth!
2. Get in the habit of self-affirmations each morning.
The biggest roadblock to you feeling happy is your own mind. Everyone has their own negative self-talk, like a really horrible tape deck playing inside your head every time that you come across something you want. Or even when you feel like you’ve done something stupid. Take a moment and listen, is the tape playing right now? Fact is, it’s playing all the time.
You can stop take away its power with self-affirmations. Say three nice things about yourself, that you love about you, in the mirror to start your day every morning. Remind yourself of how truly amazing you really are. Over time, doing this each morning, you’ll start recording over the old, bad tape of negative self-talk and start becoming more mentally strong.
3. Write down the lessons life teaches you.
Not the negative part of them. Think of this like rerecording the tape of your life. So many women look at the world through the way they interpret what happens to them, which is normal. But you can change that in your life by starting to write down the positive things you got from the lesson life brought your way.
Don’t be angry or act like the victim, instead you can discover your own strength by writing down what you learned from it. Life has a tendency to do things to protect us from bad things, even if we don’t see it that way at first.
4. Practice mindfulness
When you’re taking time to practice mindfulness, you’re literally living in the moment. Nothing else has any charge in your life, positive or negative. It’s just simply, you in that moment, living. Happiness is the only thing one is present to when you’re being mindful of the moment you’re in. Finding things like gratitude and love are easy when you’re being happy.
Look around, are there new colors you haven’t seen before. If you’re driving to work in the morning, are there things you haven’t ever noticed about the drive happening right in front of your eyes? Notice them, spend time being grateful for them. Then notice the feeling that comes over when you’re doing this. This moment of mindfulness is nothing but happiness and joy.
5. Learn that you can rely on you.
When it comes to the way of the world, there are certain truths. One of them is that if we can’t love ourselves, we won’t ever be able to recognize when someone else is loving us, or even allow it. It feels foreign, and toxic when we can’t love ourselves.
When you’re living a life that you love, you realize that you can always count on yourself to have your back. This isn’t selfish, it’s actually one of the most impactful ways to find real love and gratitude in our lives. You will start seeing that you don’t have to count on others to pick you back up after something happens, but that you can lift your own self up simply because you aren’t putting yourself down all the time. When we don’t love who we are, we tend to toxically self-criticize. Love yourself like your best friend, because you are your own best friend.
6. Know your worth by saying “no” without explaining
So many of us out there feel that when say no to something or someone, that we have to do with this big explanation that justifies why we’re doing it. The next time that you’re going to tell someone you love, or even just a stranger, “No,” realize that you’re about to give them an explanation as to why, then shut it down.
You don’t have to explain yourself, your actions, or why you’re saying no to a request. Only you need to know that, and if you don’t want to share it, own that and keep it to yourself. Live powerfully in the ‘no’ing.’
7. Take time for yourself, and honor it
This is something that so many women struggle with. Not only taking the time for themselves, but for those that have kids, husbands, and families, even having the time to take feels… impossible, and impossibly guilty for doing so. The thing about this is, if you don’t ever have time for you, you’ll end up going on in your daily life feeling completely disconnected from everything and everyone around you.
Schedule time for you in your weekly calendar, and never miss that date. You are not only honoring yourself when you take that time, but you’re showing your husband, wife, kids, and all those that you love that you honor them. A day for self-care can be a deeply resetting and also freeing experience. If it’s a day at the spa, or going on a hike to your favorite hilltop, whatever the case is, you’ll find that you connect to yourself in a deep way when you do this. This will leave you coming home feeling happy and connected to those you love again, more deeply.
8. Practice Gratitude
So, you found mindfulness and are practicing that, now what? Well let’s step into the gratitude of your life. Being happy depends a lot on being able to be grateful for everything in our lives. This really only comes when you’re being happy and practicing mindfulness. Start taking time to practice gratitude each and every day, and one of the easiest ways to step into this practice is to spend less time complaining about things.
Similarly, to finding the lesson in what happens, take that a step further and find the things that you’re grateful about in what happens during your day. Doing this will lead you to also be able to find those lessons in a positive way more easily too.
9. Get sleep, at least 8 hours every night
Between work, responsibilities, and frankly everything else in your life, getting a solid 8 hours of rest each night can feel truly impossible. But think about it for a moment, if you’re a Mom with kids, what happens when your child doesn’t get the amount of rest the night before? How are they that day? You’re the same way. If you’re constantly tired, you’ll find yourself making poor decisions, reacting instead of responding in tough situations, and that being rational is about as easy for you as it is for your tired child.
Make sleep priority in your life. Get the rest you need each and every night, and you’ll start seeing that you’re actually happier, responding when you would normally react, and more mentally strong than you are when you’re not getting the sleep that you need.
10. Eat clean, even when you’re in a rush
It’s been shown that there is a direct correlation between your mood and your gut health. When you’re eating the right things, you’re giving your gut the things it needs to function at its highest. Just because the fast food or carbs are easy when you’re in a hurry to get out the door, doesn’t meant that they’re going to give you the actual fuel you need to be your most efficient.
Spend time preparing your meals one day a week for the upcoming week. You’ll soon discover when you’re putting healthy things into your body that you’re living a healthy life. When your gut is happy, you’re going to be happy too.
11. Cut down on your social media time
When it comes to social media, the truth about what we’re seeing our friends post is that the actual truth of most of the photos and posts is what’s behind the camera. So often, we can feel the needs to invest hours a day in our social media habits, but then if you’re doing that where is the time to invest in yourself?
If you’re finding that you spend time getting lost in scrolling, realize how it’s making you feel too. Most of the time you’re feeling defeated. Or you could be jealous of what some of the people you follow have or are doing. These are all disempowering every time you look at them and have those thoughts. This doesn’t actually contribute to you feeling happy and being mentally strong, instead it’s tearing you down.
Learn that it’s perfectly okay to set the phone down, stop scrolling, and take care of you. Maybe you’ll discover a new hobby that you love, or something fun!
These are eleven of the most powerful tips we’ve put together to help you discover a life that is filled with more joy, light, and love. Remember, taking the time to practice these things every day is not an easy task, but if you commit to them you can start creating new habits. These new habits will soon become new ways of being in your life. There are many ways out there to be happier, whether it’s life coaching for women, or self help habit books, whatever you choose, just choose your own self-worth and happiness and you’ll be well on your way to living a happier life.
About the Author
Robert Moment is The Mental Strength Life Coach, Entrepreneur, Spiritual Coach and Author of Mentally Strong Entrepreneur, 13 Habits of Mentally Strong Women, Real Change Starts With You and several other books. Robert specializes in coaching women entrepreneurs on how to overcome imposter syndrome and become mentally strong to out think, out position, out strategize and out sell for profitable results in the marketplace achieving happiness and success in business and in life.
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2 年Great, Robert :)
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2 年Thanks for sharing your feedback.
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2 年Very interesting article, thanks for sharing!
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3 年Insightful?Robert, thanks for sharing!