Is Life Coaching Bullshit?
Dr. Jake M. Tuber
Leadership & Organizational Psychology Advisor | Executive Coach (PCC) | Executive Search | Instructor & Facilitator | Psychology Adjunct at CUNY
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Is Life Coaching Bullshit?
“Everyone’s weird aunt that is a bit off-their-rocker is inevitably a part-time ‘Life Coach’,” joked a colleague.?
This barb came in the midst of a discussion on coaching executives who wind up discovering the desire for a career change during their coaching engagement. The conversation – when does executive coaching morph into career coaching? – sparked a larger discourse on the state of the coaching industry.?
Inevitably, life coaching came up. Which made me uncomfortable. Because while I would rarely acknowledge it publicly (hello? anyone here?), I must confess that when I hear that someone is a ‘life coach’ my natural reaction is one of slight skepticism.?
Okay, that’s not really fair – I’m hedging because I don’t want to upset anyone. Let me be more honest and direct: my gut reaction is an outright eye roll.?
Since I took my first courses on executive coaching over a decade ago, I’ve been skeptical of the life coaching trade. Coaching someone on… life? At best, paying for life coaching struck me as paying for overpriced friendship. At worst, dangerously untrained clinical psychotherapy. If executive coaching is Western Medicine, life coaching is homeopathic naturalism: it might offer the occasional remedy but it’s generally a spurious enterprise.???
As it often does, this criticism may say much more about the criticizer (me) and their insecurities than it offers insight into the topic at hand. Is my dismissal of life coaching just an attempt to legitimize my own trade – executive coaching and development – by comparison? Perhaps it’s just a case of projection . By “othering” life coaching am I trying to reify my own validity??
This is entirely possible – if not probable. I’ll own that.?
But I can’t help thinking that my skepticism might be warranted. Even if my snarkiness toward life coaching can be reduced to professional competitiveness and imposter syndrome, I might still be right – even if tangentially – that life coaching is, well,?bullshit. So it was worth it to investigate with more rigor.?
An Artificial Distinction?
My main criticism of the profession is that life coaching is just friendly advice and question-posing that amounts to untrained psychotherapy.?
The top Google search results on the topic include articles and blogs that list out the key differences between life coaching and psychotherapy. They include statements –?like this one from ?– offering that “coaching explores what you want to create. Therapy explores what you want to fix.” The?popular website Zencare ?concludes that “therapy is rooted in the past and present; [life] coaching focuses on the future” and “therapy helps you learn to heal; coaching empowers you to achieve goals.” The extremely popular?Tony Robbins’ website ?also argues that “therapy involves more unstructured sessions that are guided by the client as well as the type of therapy. Life coaching sessions are much more structured and focused on actionable strategies and visible growth.”
(Zencare also advises ?that “when assessing fit with a therapist, prioritize your comfort level and their expertise; for life coaches, seek inspiration and check credentials.” Talk about a distinction without a difference!)
In sum, the loudest proponents of life coaching attempt to distinguish it as shorter-term, highly-structured conversations that are forward-looking and next-behavior-focused. Psychotherapy, by contrast, gets pigeonholed primarily as an exercise on uncovering one’s past.?
This is a straw-man argument that?drastically undersells psychotherapy.?While it is true that the historical underpinnings of clinical psychotherapy are in traditional psychoanalysis (think: laying on Freud’s couch and unpacking your childhood), this is a massive oversimplification of psychotherapy. (Famously, in a seminal address that then-president of the American Psychological Association, Martin Seligman, delivered at the APA’s annual meeting in 1998,?Seligman offered that the field of psychology had been far too focused on human deficiency and neuroses and largely ignored it’s pre-World War II mission to enhance human flourishing . This, in part, gave rise to the study of what is often called ‘positive psychology’ and helped clinical therapy focus on optimizing life rather than managing sub-normative experiences.)?
Modern psychotherapy is far more diverse in focus, methodology, and structure than old school Freudian analysis. Clinical psychologists are not just personal historians trying to help you write a better autobiography. Attempts to understand one’s past, relationships, behaviors, fears, etc. are all?in the service of a better life moving forward. Which is, if you read these articles, supposedly the exclusive domain of life coaching.?
This is not to say that there are?no?meaningful differences between therapy and life coaching. Yes, clinical psychotherapy is the sole domain of working through diagnosable mental illnesses in ways life coaching is explicitly not. I’d also agree, as many of the articles illustrate, that life coaching is more likely to be short-term whereas therapy can be a much longer-term project (although current insurance demands keep pushing clinical therapy patients towards short-term care that often fails to yield sustained results, but that’s an article for another time).?
Overall, however, these distinctions between therapy and life coaching fall short of meaningful. Even if we imagine counseling on a continuum – on one end, focusing entirely on uncovering the past (therapy), and on the other focusing entirely on creating the future (life coaching) – that simply suggests that participants would be better off utilizing the training of a clinical psychologist to further their development. Given that we’ve dispelled the myth that therapists don’t help you focus on your future, why settle for a counselor of the life coach variety??
Everyday Counter-evidence?
At this point, my bullshit-o-meter is flashing red. But there is some important empirical evidence staring me right in the face: People?do?get benefit from life coaching. Many people! And quite frequently!?
Life coaching has grown in demand . I myself know of people who have?unquestionably?benefited from life coaching. I know a handful of people that offer life coaching who I trust deeply. Sure, it’s irrational to argue that life coaching must be valid simply because there is demand – plenty of products and services are empty calories nonetheless in high demand. But if life coaching had no efficacy it would be relegated to the likes of fortune telling and palm reading rather than the mainstream professional world, no??
Outside Wisdom
Searching for more perspective, I decided to pose the question to others I trusted. I opted to reach out to my friend and colleague Jay Caputo.?Jay developed and runs his own coaching certification program and has spent countless hours coaching others . He’s the perfect person to weigh in on the topic. So I asked him point blank “Is life coaching bullshit?” and he responded, as always, with some wisdom:
I’m not at all uncomfortable saying that I agree with you… most of it does seem like bullshit. The industry is unregulated by most standards and therefore wide open to wild inconsistencies at best and abuse at worst. Fortunately, the abuses aren't likely leading to any real damage, psychological or otherwise, though that would be very difficult to measure. What is more likely happening is that a lot of people are paying for coaching and instead receiving well intentioned, non-expert advise.?
Your pointed focus - job performance, career - are terms that we understand because the word “life” is obviously vague… in and of itself there is no distinction and we do our
best thinking within a clear context. The context “life” is just way too big. And who is qualified to be a coach about all of life? Jesus? The Buddha? (You see where I’m going with this.) You could have added a bunch of other focal points - heath, relationships, spirituality, financial, etc. - within which coaching is legitimate and can be incredibly helpful. The reality on the ground is that most professional coaches who have been trained or certified in a legitimate way do have some sort of niche or specialty but often not just one, so the easiest term to use to encompass more than one focus is “life.” For example, my wife was certified as an anti-human trafficking coach in which she learned in a formal and rigorous way how to support women who were caught up in the legal system often under charges of prostitution who were actually victims of human sex trafficking. They wanted a way out of that world and needed support from someone who could both empathize with them and work with them to design plans of action to put themselves on the right track to create the life they wanted. Sometimes the best support person in these cases is a qualified therapist, sometimes a qualified coach… often a blend of both (happy to speak more about the real differences between psychotherapy and coaching if you’d like). But my wife doesn’t just coach people within this context. She also coaches many others who have very different life experiences, needs, goals and aspirations. What should she call herself?
Whenever anyone has ever referred to me as a “life coach” (which is now rare), I’ve been quick to correct them and point out that regarding the part of my work that includes coaching, it’s not the?focus?that’s important (career, health, “life”, etc.) but rather the?approach?that matters more. I was trained to a transformative philosophy within my work as a coach, and often as a trainer. I realize the word “transformative” can seem every bit as vague as “life,” so to clarify, it stems from the three distinct approaches to mediation (part of my formal training)… 1- Facilitative: mediator asks questions of parties in conflict to guide them in finding their own solution; 2- Evaluative: mediator has some relevant expertise that they directly use in assisting the parties to make the best decision possible, or make the decision for them; 3- Transformative: applies the facilitative method yet includes questions regarding the quality of the underlying relationship between the parties in conflict so that they can not only come to resolution with their existing situation but also better understand their core differences and underlying needs that may have contributed to the conflict to begin with… the stuff below the surface evidence. This approach gives the parties new territory to work on that can better equip them to deal with future conflicts… transforming the relationship itself (long-term), not just solving problems in the short-term.?
My approach to coaching is aligned with the transformative philosophy… not simply supporting clients to achieve their short-term goals but also to transform their most important relationships along the way. For in the end, every goal a person has is immovably linked to (and sometimes dependent upon) at least one other person. Similarly, every type (focus) of coaching exists within the larger scope of life itself. Let’s just hope that those out there calling themselves “life coaches” aren’t as lazy as the title implies.?
So What?
I’ve concluded that I’m being too harsh. I remain skeptical about the life coaching?industry, which is far too unregulated given its vague and weak distinctions from psychotherapy. But I can see how this form of counseling could absolutely be valuable and worth the investment.?
So where do I come down on the essential question: Is life coaching bullshit? No, that’s not fair. But it is a bit of the wild west – you’re much more likely to find bullshit and bullshit artists in the trade. So approach with caution!
Director of Business Value Management at SentinelOne
1 年(4) It’s not ALL bullshit (well, with the possible exception of astrology). There is some truth and value in every one of those products (in some more than others, of course), and plenty of good, honest, intelligent people involved in all of them, too. But is there an abundance of bullshit being sold by a lot of quacks, charlatans, clowns, and fanatics? Oh yeah. The worst part? This is contributing to making people extremely skeptical, to the point where many of us are throwing actual science-based, peer-reviewed, statistically-significant findings in the category that belongs to homeopathy; psychiatrists in the category of life-coaches, and scientists in the category of internet-influencers (and vice versa). And that’s a big problem.
Director of Business Value Management at SentinelOne
1 年(3) To that point, are all these new activities, jobs, and industries actually necessary? Do they really add value? One might argue that they absolutely do, since there seems to be huge demand for them but… I mean, do they? Or are they, mostly, emperors with no clothing? Are all those influencers (real and self-appointed) providing a valuable service by endorsing anti-aging creams (speaking of industries full of quackery and exaggeration) or vegan-certified, zero-gluten, dairy-free, ultra-organic, no-hormone, keto-friendly, low-sugar, plant-based, Omega-3-packed granola bars? And is consuming all that REALLY better for you? Or is some (much?) of that also the result of people looking for a gig selling a new Fountain of Youth? The list goes on: from vitamin shops selling body-builder results with a fraction of the effort, to Herbalife products claiming quasi-miraculous health benefits, to astrologists promising a path to riches and happiness, to all sorts of consultants selling the latest inclusivity and sensitivity trainings based on newly uncovered biases and ‘isms that are absolutely poisoning our workplaces and societies, to… well, to organized religion.
Director of Business Value Management at SentinelOne
1 年(2) What I find fascinating is that this goes to show that new jobs come up all the time, around activities that no one would’ve thought possible (let alone necessary) just a couple of decades before. There’s plenty of useful trades today that would’ve been impossible (let alone valuable) in the 80s or 90s, and perhaps Life Coaching is just another one of those. I know that there are plenty of smart, serious people in this business, yet I can’t shake the feeling that they’re a minority; that the industry is plagued by too many folks without qualifications (though I don’t even know what those would be) looking to “reinvent” themselves, probably trying to escape the corporate world – or younger people who never wanted to join it in the first place – exploring a potentially lucrative activity with low barriers to entry (kinda like real estate). So yes, I’m skeptical.
Director of Business Value Management at SentinelOne
1 年(1) I had a few good chuckles reading this. This isn’t my trade, and I am very far from an expert on the coaching industry, but I must admit I’ve usually had the same reaction to the term “life coach”. I don’t put it in the same bucket as, say, fortune-telling or religious cults (bullshittery’s prodigal children) but close to homeopathy, e.g. an industry where quackery and exaggeration abound, but does have some degree of usefulness (no, I don’t buy for a second that chewing some mysterious leaves from an unexplored region of the Amazon will cure cancer, but does a herbal tea with honey and lemon help you feel a bit better when you have the flu? Yes, I can believe as much).
Creator of The 4D TCCP, Leadership Trainer & Coach, TEDx Speaker at
1 年Wow! What an awesome article!! Clearly, I'm a bit biased. ?? Thank you Jake for such a thoughtful and articulate explanation on such a challenging and relevant topic. There's plenty more to say of course, but this covers quite a lot of territory and I'm sure will be clarifying for many out there. For anyone curious about the transformative coaching approach we train professional leaders to develop (and eventually master), please check out