The Life Coaching Book in Disguise: Reflecting on "The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck"?

The Life Coaching Book in Disguise: Reflecting on "The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck"


Mark Manson's best-selling self-help book, "The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck," offers counterintuitive advice on living a good life by embracing adversity, focusing on what truly matters, and letting go of superficial concerns. Many of these insights align with the principles of life coaching, suggesting that the book can serve as an unconventional yet valuable resource for both coaches and clients. In this article, we will explore how the ten key insights from "The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck" relate to life coaching and ponder whether the book could be considered a life coaching manual in disguise. Along the way, we'll ask reflective questions and invite you to challenge these insights in thought-provoking ways.

Embrace negativity:

Life coaching encourages clients to acknowledge and accept negative emotions as valuable for personal growth. By embracing negativity instead of suppressing it, clients can gain a better understanding of their emotions and leverage them for self-improvement. Research suggests that accepting negative emotions can improve mental health and well-being (Ford et al., 2014).

Reflective question: Can you recall a situation where embracing negativity led to personal growth? If not, how might you approach negative emotions differently in the future?

Choose what to care about:

Coaching helps clients prioritize their values and focus on what truly matters in their lives. By being selective about the things they care about, clients can allocate their energy and attention more effectively, leading to a more fulfilling life. A study by Sheldon et al. (2010) found that aligning daily activities with personal values is associated with increased well-being.

Reflective question: If you could only care about three things in your life, what would they be and why? How might this exercise help you reassess your priorities?

Accept responsibility:

Life coaches guide clients to take ownership of their choices, actions, and emotions. By accepting responsibility for their life circumstances, clients become empowered to make meaningful changes and create the life they desire. Research has shown that taking responsibility is associated with increased resilience and psychological well-being (Maltby et al., 2005).

Reflective question: Can you think of a situation where taking responsibility led to personal growth or positive change? If you disagree, why might accepting responsibility feel disempowering in some cases?

Pursue meaningful values:

In coaching sessions, clients are encouraged to align their values with things that have a lasting, positive impact on their lives and the lives of others. Focusing on meaningful values contributes to long-term satisfaction and well-being. A study by Martela and Steger (2016) found that a strong sense of meaning and purpose in life is related to increased well-being and life satisfaction.

Reflective question: What are your core values, and how do they align with your current priorities? If they don't align, how might you adjust your focus to pursue more meaningful values?

Embrace uncertainty:

Coaches help clients accept that life is uncertain and that they don't have all the answers. This mindset enables clients to be more open to learning, growing, and adapting to new experiences and challenges. According to a study by Kashdan et al. (2006), embracing uncertainty is positively associated with psychological flexibility and well-being.

Reflective question: How has embracing uncertainty led to growth or learning in your life? Conversely, can you think of situations where uncertainty held you back?

Recognize the importance of struggle:

Life coaching emphasizes the value of struggle and challenges as essential for personal growth. Embrace the process of overcoming obstacles as an opportunity to learn and become stronger. Research by Seery et al. (2010) has shown that exposure to moderate levels of adversity can lead to increased resilience and personal growth.

Reflective question: Can you recall a struggle that ultimately contributed to your personal growth? If not, how might reframing your perspective on struggle lead to positive outcomes?

Say no to entitlement:

Recognize that you are not entitled to anything without putting in the effort. Success, happiness, and a fulfilling life require hard work and dedication. Research by Twenge et al. (2008) has shown that increased entitlement is linked to lower life satisfaction and increased negative emotions.

Reflective question: How has a sense of entitlement hindered your personal or professional growth? Alternatively, can you think of a situation where feeling entitled had a positive impact on your life?

Focus on the process, not the outcome:

Concentrate on the journey and the steps you take to achieve your goals, rather than obsessing over the end result. This approach can lead to a more balanced and fulfilling life experience. A study by Brown and Ryan (2003) found that focusing on the process, rather than the outcome, is associated with increased well-being and psychological health.

Reflective question: Can you think of a time when focusing on the process, rather than the outcome, led to greater satisfaction or success? If you disagree, why might focusing on the outcome be more beneficial for you?

Practice radical honesty:

Be honest with yourself and others about your feelings, opinions, and needs. This approach can lead to deeper connections and a more authentic life experience. Research by Wilmot et al. (2016) has shown that practicing radical honesty can enhance interpersonal trust and psychological well-being.

Reflective question: How has practicing radical honesty impacted your relationships and personal growth? Conversely, can you think of situations where radical honesty might be detrimental?

Accept the inevitability of death:

Acknowledge that life is finite, and use this realization as motivation to prioritize what truly matters and live a more meaningful life. Studies have shown that contemplating one's own mortality can lead to increased meaning and purpose in life (Vail et al., 2012).

Reflective question: How does the acceptance of your own mortality influence your priorities and values? If it doesn't, why might this awareness not affect your approach to life?


"The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fck" offers a wealth of unconventional wisdom that aligns with many principles of life coaching. By engaging with the book's insights and challenging ourselves through deep, reflective questions, we can uncover valuable lessons for personal growth and self-improvement. The research supporting these insights further demonstrates the potential benefits of integrating these principles into our lives. As we ponder the connection between the book and life coaching, we invite you to consider whether "The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fck" might serve as an unconventional life coaching manual, providing guidance for those who seek to challenge traditional self-help approaches and create a more authentic, fulfilling life.


