Life Coaching in 2022 [4]
According to the Cognitive Principle Matrix life coaching is taught as an integrated system, comprised of six subconscious subsystems which account for 90% of decisions made each day. By understanding how the human mind-body systems works then coaching becomes more effective.
In this article we will look at the "Living subsystem" as it relates to the dominant brain, the subconscious [The right brain, the Master [Prof. Iain McGilchrist], System 1 [Daniel Kahneman-Thinking Fast and Slow], not the conscious brain, the left brain, System 2]
The living system is based on Maslow's original 7 level model of human needs. Christian Kromme in his 2017 book "Humanification, Go Digital Stay Human" states that technology follows biology. This is an important statement because technology is predominately a left brain function, whereas biology is predominately a right brain function. McGilchrist states that the left brain has become too powerful and is destroying nature [biology].
The highest level goal of biology is "oneness" and and continuation of life on earth. The highest goal of technology according to Kromme is "Creative Revolution". Kromme quotes Ray Kurzweil, director of research at Google, who promoted the concept of "Singularity" in his 2045 predictions. The following is an extract about Ray Kurzweil and his predictions.
"Ray Kurzweil’s Mind-Boggling Predictions for the Next 25 Years
Bill Gates calls Ray, “the best person I know at predicting the future of artificial intelligence.” He is the chancellor and co-founder of Singularity University, and the guy tagged by Larry Page to direct artificial intelligence development at Google.
The Cognitive Principle Matrix promotes the dominate right brain of biology, not the left brain's focus on technology.