Life-changing Technology - 10 years and counting... (part 1)
Design: Candyce Costa Image: Unsplash

Life-changing Technology - 10 years and counting... (part 1)

I have moved to the UK in 2008 and before I even have arrived, LinkedIn has helped me to find a job! love/hate relationship with this playform started back in 2008 when I was living in New Zealand and decided to move back to England for personal reasons.

So much have changed in the past 12 years and I'd like to ask you a question:

How technology has changed your life?

12 years ago, helped me to find a job in the other side of the world!

Some of our "normal" and "indispensable" daily tasks would not be possible without our smartphones, and our social life would not be the same without our Twitter or Facebook. And the evolution is not only in our basic life, the next ten years will bring significant changes in our health, homes, transport, etc.

Today, I work remotely in most of my projects and I have been strategically developing ways to work remotely and doing business even when I am sleeping. I also cannot run my business without some digital tools - or manage my team because everyone work remotely.

Are you ready?

To start, let's go back in time and see some of the tech evolution:

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1. Google Chrome - Year 2008

"On the surface, we designed a browser window that is streamlined and simple, like the classic Google homepage, Google Chrome is clean and fast. It gets out of your way and gets you where you want to go." Google CEO Sundar Pichai (who was vice president of product management at the time) wrote on the official Google blog.

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2. GPS on smartphones - Year 2009

It's been commercially available since 1993 but not widely use as until 2009.

The iPhone became capable of handling turn-by-turn auto navigation programs and Google released a free turn-by-turn navigation software for Android phones.

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3. Google's Android OS - Year 2008

Android came out in 2008 but it spent most of that year tied to a single carrier. But with a thriving App Store, strong hardware and an impressive user experience, Android was considered the chief competitor to the iPhone in 2009 and had a massive growth.

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4. 4G - Year 2009

The first-release Long Term Evolution(LTE) standard was commercially deployed in Oslo and Stockholm. The standard 4G (or 4G LTE) is around five to seven times faster than 3G.

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5. Microsoft Windows 7 - Year 2009

The replacement of Windows Vista was announced in October 2008

It has been praised for an improved user interface, faster performance, and fewer intrusive popups. Windows 7 is still the most widely used version of Microsoft’s OS.

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6. Tesla Roadster - Year 2008

Eletric cars exist way back to 1884. However, here we are talking about the modern generation of eletric vehicles and we cannot forget the lauch of Tesla Roadster in 2008. It is a battery eletric vehicle (BEV) sports car based on the Lotus chassis produced by the Tesla Motors (now Tesla, Inc.) in California from 2008 to 2012. The Roadster was the first highway legal serial production all-eletric car to use lithium-ion battery cells and the first to travel more than 320 Km per charge.

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7. IPAD - Year 2010

The first iPad was released on April 3, 2010 and it was designed, developed and marketed by Apple.

"It is the best browsing experience you'll ever have." described Steve Jobs introducing the iPad.

There have been eight versions of it and more than 360 millions iPads had been sold until 2017 (source).

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8. Amazon Kindle - Year 2008

It is a series of e-readers designed and marketed by Amazon. The device enable users to browse, buy, download, and read digital media via wireless. Just in the USA, Kindle store has over six million e-books available.

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9. Spotify - Year 2008

It is a Swedish media service provider founded in 2006 and launched in 2008. It was founded in Stockholm by Daniel Ek & Martin Lorentzon and it has the company's head office in London.

Spotify has 217 million monthly users including 100 million paying subscribers and it is used in 61 countries, has 159 million active users and a library of 35 million songs and some people predicted that the company could be worth around $25 billion (£18 billion).

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10. Uber - Year 2009

Uber was founded as a car service called UberCab in March 2009 by Garret Camper & Travis Kalanick. Uber has operations in 785 cities worldwide and its platforms can be accessed via its websites and apps. There is an estimated of 110 millions users worldwide and a lot of criticism from the taxi industry and classification of independent contractors for Uber drivers around the world that work as contractors with no access to benefits as well health insurance and paid holiday. (in NY as a result of complains that after expenses, drivers earn less than the minimum wage, drivers were guaranteed mininum wage).

It's hard to imagine a world without the internet and today

56.1% of the world's population has internet access and 81% of the developed world have access to internet. Internet has transformed every aspect of our life and we have been impacted in a way we communicate, shopping, navigate and entertain

What kind of technology is essential in your life?

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