A Life-Changing Decision
Steve Kodad
International Feng Shui Master | Author | PBS presenter | Real Estate Expert | Real Estate Coaching with a GUARANTEE | Ringling College of Art + Design | Holistic Real Estate
Becoming an expert in any field takes time and effort!!
It really doesn’t matter what area you have an interest in. If you want to become someone people look to for answers, aid, or help, you have to make an important decision at some time in your life!
Some people never have the “drive” to pursue a goal. Some goals are larger than others. I’m not talking about losing that last 5 pounds! No, I’m talking about making a change in what a person may do on a daily basis with their lives. The days of our grandparents (or parents) in which they started with one company and never left are long gone. You may have already changed a job, and you are the norm and not the exception.
My uncles and aunts (all 6 of them), in a small town in Pennsylvania, all finished high school and went to work for a local paper mill, and retired from that same company after 30 plus years. The current work climate is very different! I, personally, measure my own life into 4 different time spans…each exploring a different career field.
For the last 14 years, I went into a career path that was, to say the least, unique. From 1990 to 2010, I was a successful Realtor and owner of a 30+ agent real estate company. Little did I know that one day would happen where I was introduced to something called Feng Shui. For a real estate agent to be promised that some simple changes could produce a powerful effect on a potential buyer….was like a dream come true! It did work wonders for me, and I’ve never looked back in all these years.
That day changed my life and my career path. That day was the beginning of a passion for learning more and more about this art and science that is over 4000 years old!
Well 14 years later, 3 books written, and after training thousands of people nationally…I am now at a different stage.
Over the last 6 years, I have seriously thought about offering a unique school of Feng Shui that certifies consultants. I wanted the school to do the usual, but also the unusual! What I mean by that is I wanted to present modules that showed an individual exactly how to make this a successful business, and not just present the techniques. What set me apart from other people, who got certified, was I left a business in which understanding how to market myself (and prospect) was of paramount importance. THIS allowed me to make a successful career change!
As stated previously, I wanted to pursue the creation of my own Feng Shui school, but I always felt I needed a 2nd professional consultant to help create and present a diverse curriculum. I wanted to find someone who came from a different perspective and was the perfect complement to me! Lisa Alban came from a very unique world that was creative and highly competitive….the Home Shopping Network. Lisa was deeply involved with them for 19 years, before becoming an outstanding Feng Shui consultant!
Our school is….
We wanted our school to stand-out!! We both are “Red Ribbon” Feng Shui consultants with the International Feng Shui Guild, which is an organization that has created a large network of consultants around the world, under one umbrella, which upholds ethics and specific criteria and skills. A Red Ribbon is a consultant who has reached the highest ranking with the Guild.
Feng Shui has different schools. Some schools look at a situation slightly different. Our school combines the oldest school of Feng Shui, Form, and a school introduced in the United States in the mid-80’s and is hugely popular, called BTB or Black Sect. We do cover the other schools in our training also.
Some of you may have thought Feng Shui was something that just became popular with all of those house staging and house flipping shows on TV, but that is far from the truth. It has become a very big component in the building of homes, interior design, and just everyday living in the United States, and around the world (especially in Europe and Latin American countries).
Here are some statistics on searching habits on Google for Feng Shui…
Certainly there are other schools, in which you can become certified. I would like you to take a look at their program, what they do for you after the training is finished, and especially the COST.
You will see what a difference in what we charge and what we supply for you!
As I said, this is my 4th, and final, career change. I began as a high school math teacher, worked for AT&T as a data processing trainer, became a Realtor, and then ended up in Feng Shui.
There is no comparison in creativity, control of hours, and enjoyment. Feng Shui has so many components to it. Some consultants only work with builders. Some only do evaluations for residential homes. Some make a living doing presentations or writing. Some consultants only work with businesses. Some do their business only on online, if that appeals to you!
You may not be thinking of changing jobs at this moment, but Feng Shui is a great way to supplement your income in the evenings or on weekends. Some of you are looking forward to retiring from your current 9 to 5 job, but want to stay busy with your hours under control.
And some of you want to actually enjoy what you do on a daily basis right now, and are looking for possibilities!
Do you enjoy looking at different types of homes and businesses? Do you want to help people? Would you like a career that allows you to control your time? Would you be interested in an occupation that you could continue to pursue even into retirement? If you answer just once YES, consider becoming a professional Feng Shui consultant!!
There are so many people who live or work in an environment that could be improved in many ways, and you could have, not only, the satisfaction of doing that, but have fun doing it too!
Real estate agents, homeowners, interior designers, home builders, school teachers, and offices and businesses of all types are just some of the candidates for your services.
Can you see, with the world becoming more stressful and complex, that many people need to have more harmony, more balance, more comfort, and more positive direction in their lives? In some ways, every person could become a client of yours. You can be a positive influence in so many ways!
Yes, Feng Shui is thousands of years old, but it has not disappeared, but has actually grown in popularity around the planet. Our school is different. Our school wants to present this material to you in a very inter-active way. You don’t have to drive or fly to some city and spend hundreds of dollars at a hotel for a week or longer.
You won’t be just viewing recorded information all by yourself either. Lisa Alban and I bring this information to life by doing LIVE, interactive webinars using a powerful product called ZOOM. Zoom allows us to see each other and hear each other. All sessions are recorded and sent to you the next morning also. It is as close to being on site as possible!
Our training is intensive. Our training is meant to make you successful. We guarantee that when you have a question or need help, even 5 to 10 years from now, we will get back to you in less than 24 hours, and probably a lot sooner!
We also do something for our students, that is very different. We PAY for your 1st year’s membership to the IFSG (the Guild). Being a member of the Guild has many advantages, and I told you, we badly want you to succeed!
In closing, if you’d like to receive an informative PDF on our school, the schedule, our benefits, and the cost….just let me know by sending me an email to [email protected]. There is no obligation, and I won't keep bothering you. Thank you….and may the chi be with you always!