Life Carries On !
Life carries on it never remain still or stuck so why do you?
When you are in a bad place, when you stuck in the past and focused on a negative situation you got to do what life does and move on, carry on and move forward.
Your past is dead and gone so stop living and dwelling on it. Your best days are still ahead of you and the best is yet to come so move on.
Winston Churchill said it best”When you going through hell, keep going”. Life continually carries on and so should you. And yes sometimes you will have more questions than answers but sometimes we so focused on our problems and are asking so many questions that we never get to see the bigger picture or give ourselves time to answer any of those questions before we ask the next question.
If you want better answers then start asking better questions, it's that simple. If you want to move forward then stop focusing on what’s behind you and holding you back.
So are you moving on? Are you moving forward? Or are you stuck or moving in reverse? The key to moving forward is to just keep moving forward , every day you got to be moving you got to be growing and going whether its an inch a meter or a mile just always be intentional about moving forward about carrying on step by step , day by day.
And know you will get knocked down, you will stumble, you will mess up and fall short but its only when you stay there, when you stay down and defeated that you actually defeated and failed, you see if you always willing to pick yourself back up, dust yourself off, adapt and then keep pushing forward then failure becomes impossible and has no hold nor place in your life, all it is then is a 7 letter word that has no meaning.
Rocky said it best when he said " life aint about how hard you can hit , life is about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward" so carry on , every day but don’t get stuck where you are and never settle for where you are currently . You got to move but the decision you've got to make is whether you going to move forward or you going to move backwards, both are movement but one will give you new opportunity and a new life and the other will suffocate you and destroy your life.
Every day is a new chance a new opportunity for all of us but it won’t wait for you, it has no pause it will carry on. It will move forward and so should you, you got to believe your best days are still ahead of you - BECAUSE THEY ARE! So as Life carries on so should you.
You can never get anywhere if you never willing to get moving, if you not willing to take the action and you not willing to keep on going till you arrive. Because by just remaining where you are by staying stuck then you'll never get there but even worse you'll never even get going or ever know what you could have been, what you could have done and where you could have ended up.
Know your Tomorrow will come whether you want it to or not because the simple fact is LIFE CARRIES ON and so should you.