If I had a wish come true, I would never want parents to get old, weak, a burden. I want them, the way, they were, when I was young. Strong, healthy, smiling, full of life, someone you look up to, somewhere you find refuge. They have turned into someone else now, disconnected, buried in the past, sad and ill. What happened to them. Is it time, health, or lack of it. They have nothing to look forward to. I get scared, as I see myself turning into them…
They just exist. Is existing enough, or is it a burden or something else needs to be done to prove that it’s not. This is a great example for us, to believe in our very existence will be enough in the Heavens only, but here on Earth we will always be a burden, no matter what we do.
A social and economical burden, recycling words from the past, rewinding scenes from a bygone era, that’s what we become, when we age. I don’t want to age this way, I would prefer being laid to rest. We are afraid of death, as it’s a fear of the unknown. But I would embrace it, before my soul can’t carry the burden of my body, before my soul and my body becomes a burden on other souls, I want an exit, a graceful, peaceful death. I don’t want life, become a burden, too heavy for my shoulders to carry, getting weaker with each passing day.