Life belongs to the living and he who lives

Life belongs to the living and he who lives

" Try as much as possible to be wholly alive with all your might, and when you laugh, laugh like he'll, and when you get angry, get angry, get good angry. Try to be alive. You will be dead soon enough"

???????????????????????????????William Saroyan 1908-1981

Some people are still awaiting for Godot, only to realize much, much, later that he will never show up. Make your lives extraordinary. Every minute counts, so use every second for a positive change. If you wait for life to be perfect, you are already wasting time, because life is perfect as it is. If only we realize that, accept that, and start enjoying that, then we will be fully alive!!!! It is nothing to die, but it is frightful not to live.

" Life belongs to the living and he who lives." Be yourself. Live up to your own standards at not anyone else's. Who cares what others think about you ? Who cares if you can't sing, can't dance, or if your clothes don't match ? Who's life is it anyway ? Do what you want to do, be who you want to be. Create the life that you want.

Some people need an extra push to start changing their lives for the better by getting out of the loop of daily mechanical life. Short as life is, we sometimes even make it shorter with the careless waste of time.

I live my life based on my convictions. A glance, a word, or a remark used to bother me, so I learned to separate and trust in me to an extent that they do not have a great impact anymore.

It really does not matter how others view us. We cannot please everyone. The more important factor is for us to be pleased with who we are as long as WE are feeling good in our skins. We cannot really pass judgment on people unless we really try and walk in their shoes, and how many people are capable or even willing to do so ? We sometimes fall under the misconception that we have it all figured out, not just for us but for others we meet. Each person is a world of their own, where sights, interpretations and acts are based on their own standards and living a principled life that we are aware and convinced of, so that whoever may challenge us will not threaten the certainty of our choice. Believe in your instincts. Perseverance is the secret of all triumphs......

Don’t start your day with the broken pieces of yesterday. Every morning we wake up is the first day of the rest of our lives.... Happy weekend my sweet friends

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