Life begins when you do...

Life begins when you do...

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In This Issue:
Quotes of the Week
Life Begins When You Do
Bookmark - How to Win Friends and Influence People
Inspirational Words
Spiritual Centre
Story Time
Time to Smile


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"Change Gears" eZine is a no-cost electronic newsletter dedicated to helping people be more effective and fulfilled--to be masters of change instead of victims of change. What follows are tips, strategies, quotes, resources and shortcuts to getting more done in less time and having fun in the process--to living a more productive and fulfilling life. We're always on the lookout for information to help you live and work more effectively.

Quotes of the Week

"The difference between the right word and the almost right word is the difference between lightning and a lightning bug." - Mark Twain

"You can't build a reputation on what you are going to do." - Henry Ford

"If you are depressed you are living in the past. If you are anxious you are living in the future. If you are at peace you are living in the present." - Lao Tzu

"In a moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing. The worst thing you can do is nothing." - Theodore Roosevelt

Life Begins When You Do

Nearly everyone postpones one grand thing or a collection of mighty hopes and dreams.

Between the quote marks of our lives are phrases like these: "When things slow down...when I finish my degree...when I get I acquire a deeper knowledge base...when I have kids...when the kids are grown...when I get well...when I marry...when I divorce...when I retire...when I get that promotion, that raise, that job, that house, that whatever the fill-in-the blank is for your specific postponing of life..."

Your Life Begins When You Do.

You may think you are postponing the longing of your soul until life aligns itself with your vision, until elements conspire to be more favorable...but as it happens, life just lolls along at the same remarkable consistent and disinterested cadence. Life is impartial. YOUR personal, subjective life (dreams, satisfactions, contentment, achievements, vision, fullness, passion, aspirations) begins when you begin.

From my teens into adulthood, I said, "I want to be an artist." One day I changed the sentence to, "I am an artist." My view changed. Life began. I looked behind me and saw that I had been accidentally living as an artist. I had been laying down a path that was only now visible to eyes that had begun to see. Beginning my life as an artist made my heart's longing and the small, tentative labors of my hands - visible and tangible. I began by opening the door and simply believing that I could live my dream. I began living that dream by seeing that I could.

Your purpose, that thing that among the many to-dos of your days, is what you must do. Embrace the truth of your purpose each minute of your precious life...for how very true it is that life begins when you do.

If you would dream it

If you have an idea
OPEN it.

If there is longing

If there is mission

If there is daring
DO it.

If there is love

If there is resource
USE it.

If there is abundance

Bookmark - How to Win Friends and Influence People
Author: Dale Carnegie
Price: Rs. 112.10

Must read...

Awesome book. Not to be treated as a one time read. Amazing guidance with real examples which can be used in day to day life. Some tips to best use the book -

1. Use a marker/pencil to highlight key points when you read the book for first time
2. Try your best to apply the principles you remember in your daily social meetings/conversations/deals
3. Come back and refer the book at least 2-3 times again skimming through the highlighted points
4. You will slowly start noticing a change in your personality & and the principles will start becoming inherent in your nature.

Life changing Instrument...

The Book is really Good for self-improvement, as it provide sufficient stuff which can turn the A man into a lovable , influencing, winning and confident person. This book contain the uncountable examples from the history which proved to be the true even in the current time, try to read the psychology of the human nature, not only human but also animals. This is a life changing instrument that helps you to become a Good Human being.

Inspirational Words

"Being defeated is often a temporary condition. Giving up is what makes it permanent." - Marilyn vos Savant

"All the beautiful sentiments in the world weigh less than a single lovely action." - James Russell Lowell

"I am very interested and fascinated how everyone loves each other, but no one really likes each other." - Stephen Chbosky

"My mother... she is beautiful, softened at the edges and tempered with a spine of steel. I want to grow old and be like her." - Jodi Picoult

"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known." - Carl Sagan

"Everyone sees what you appear to be, few experience what you really are." - Niccolo Machiavelli

"But luxury has never appealed to me, I like simple things, books, being alone, or with somebody who understands." - Daphne du Maurier

"Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing ever happened." - Winston Churchill

Spiritual Centre - At Noon

"The sages have advised sandhya [meditation] at noontime too. The reason is that by continuous influence, the sun’s rays get connected with the plane wherefrom they have originated and which is next to the Ultimate. Since the rays of the sun are closest to the perpendicular at noon, the effect brought about by them is more direct, owing to the nearness. The heat which seems to be coming from the sun is in fact the heat of the particles. Thus, if we meditate at noon our thought gets unconsciously attached with the Centre, or the Ultimate."

(C) Shri. P. Rajagopalachari - President, Shri Ram Chandra Mission -

Story Time - Mary, the Biscuit

There was once a biscuit whose name was Mary, and one day she said that Mary, only Mary wasn't enough. She would like to be at least Mary Emily, with all due respect.

Her friends in the pack complied to her wishes. But, when one such a biscuit starts demanding things, she is difficult to stop.

That's right, she won't stop at all...

“On second thoughts, I won't do without surnames. From now on I want to be Mrs Mary Emily Honey Souster Wheat Redoundet Flour.”

Such a long and twisted name is difficult to know by heart.

Some of the biscuits whose name was simply Mary called her Mary Wheat Honey Souster and some sort of Flour. Others called her Mary Redondet Honey Wheat Souster Emily, and the most forgetful ones merely Mary Wheat Flour, which enraged her.

“Distinguish me. Consider me apart. Make a difference. I am a special biscuit.”

A biscuit whose name is Mrs Mary Emily Honey Souster Wheat Redoundet Flour.

Right? The other ones said because they didn't like disputes. Someone opened the pack and started tasting those crispy, tasty biscuits. They didn't mind. They knew all about their destiny and were happy with it.

To be deliciously tasty, that's what they were there for.

Mary, who wasn't the same as the others and, by the way, the last one in the pack, didn't follow the others. There she stayed, waiting for another attack of hunger of the one who had his belly already filled. She was alone. She was forgotten. She became stale.

When, some days later, they found her, they said: “This biscuit is stale. It's not good. Bobby, come here. Here you are.“

Bobby came skipping and salivating, wagging his tail.

He came and took it and that was how Her Excellency Mrs Mary Emily Honey Souster Wheat Redoundet Flour ended up in a dog's mouth.

Is this story short? Are you unsatisfied? Well, Bobby is.

Time to Smile - Life is Like That

Steamed Politician...

Three explorers became lost in the jungle and wandered for days with no food and little water. One day, just as they were finally about to give up, they crawled into a clearing and there right in front of them stood a Cannibal's Restaurant. Out front near the entrance was a large menu board. With the little energy they had left, they dragged themselves across the clearing and looked up to see the following menu:

Par boiled Priest $12.00
Roast Lion Hunter $14.00
Steamed Politician $198.50

They struggled in, dragged themselves to a table, and a waiter came to take their order. Before they ordered, one of the explorers asked the waiter "Can you help me understand your menu? The first two items are priced about the same, but the third item, the politician, is priced so much higher. Why is that?"

"Are you kidding?" replied the waiter, "Did you ever try to clean one of those blighters?"


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