Life begins with our cry and ends with others'? cry

Life begins with our cry and ends with others' cry

We all come to this world crying and others smile at our first cry and when we leave this world smilingly, others around us cry. But later during the life if you cry on small things it means you are considered as soft hearted and innocent. Emotional tears contain leucine enkephalin a natural painkillar. Althought they say that crying is good for health literary it flushes unhealthy bacteria out of the body. It strengthens the immune system and relieve stress. Crying is silent language it speaks when mouth can not say a single thing out of pain. More than 80%people feel better after crying. Crying can be out of happiness or sadness.

All the above are few facts which shows crying is not weird and when you cry after you think about life we can not help unless we learn what exactly your views about life ?did you afraid,feel happy or pain I dont know what exactly you feel when you think about life thats makes you cry. Time doesn’t really exist at any moment. It’s just a figment of our imagination. Five minutes in my head could be hours in someone else’s. The light from stars that you see today was probably emitted millions of years ago. Who’s to know?

All languages are just familiar sounds that carry some meaning to your brain. We’re living on mud, surrounded by water, in a ball, floating in space, surrounded by other such uninhabitable balls that revolve around a light and heat emitting ball of gas which also travels in its own orbit, in a galaxy we know almost nothing about, which exists in a wider expanse of universe and multiverses. We can only see those things that activate our rod and cone cells to see. Everything else is unknown to us.

We’ve advanced so much, grown so much. And we know so little about our own DNA. The only reason you can think, feel and sense is because of some signals that your nerves send to your brain. Everything we see, touch, feel and hear could be a lie — an illusion. I just find it strange that we even exist at all. Yes. Life’s pretty weird. The hardest I have ever cried is the day I found out my friend killed himself. On Nov. 4, 2011 exactly eleven years ago I had spoken with him on the phone. He wanted to hang out but I had told him I was busy with my work and couldn't. Nothing seemed particularly wrong with him then.

But on Nov. 5, 2011 I get a call from my colleague at work to call my friend because he'd not been able to reach him. At this point he was living with my dad and his new wedded wife. I called and didn't get an answer either. I really didn't think much of it, I figured he was probably just drunk and must be asleep. He became a heavy drunk, smoked weed, snorted anything that could be snorted, basically any drug he could find, shy of injectables.

But he wasn't a bad person, he was just badly hurt. He had knocked a girl up and insisted on marrying her; first mistake. They were married for about 3 years and his son was 2 ? when things started going really wrong in their relationship and decided to separate, thus, him living with our dad. Fast forward a couple months after leaving he's checking the mail and received something from his soon-to-be ex; paternity test. Odd, my friend never took a paternity test. He opened it and finds another guy's name and he can't be excluded as the father by a 99.999% chance.

He was damn hurt when he knew that his son was not his son. Nevertheless, he wanted to retain fatherly duties like child-support, seeing him regularly, etc. The mother did not want that and completely removed the child from my brother's life. He was never quite the same after this. Took anything to numb the pain. He went on like this for a couple years until Nov. 5, 2011 when he'd felt abandoned by everyone, devastated by the loss of his child, because it was still his child in his eyes.. My dad knew something was wrong so he called the police to check the house out. He didn't want to walk in on my brother's lifeless body. Cops entered the house, find my brother, dead in the garage. Carbon monoxide poisoning presumably. Because he had shut himself in and cranked his car up, drank himself to sleep and never woke up again.

My dad called me about 8:30 that night and when I answered his voice was shaky and tearful and he told me my friend was gone.. I was in the garage having a cigarette with my wife when I heard. My body gave out and I slinked from the couch to the garage floor absolutely howling, unable to move. My wife was trying to pick me up and through sobs I told her to just leave me there. I must have been on the floor for 30 minutes just bawling, mind racing, feeling so much guilt over not being there for him the previous day..

I still had to call his mother who was here to tell her her baby boy was gone. It was the middle of the night for her so when she picked up, obviously still half asleep I told her Michael was gone. She said gone where? I replied, gone mom. Frustrated she again says gone where?? Finally I just had to say, mom, he's dead. He killed himself. She was on the next flight back. We buried him on Nov. 10. I can still see his mother wailing over his lifeless body in his casket. I had written my brother a letter, telling him how good a man he was, how good a father, a brother and friend. I wrote that I loved him forever and would miss him. I slipped the note under his suit jacket, right on his left breast, kissed his forehead and said my goodbye. That was the most awful, heart-wrenching thing I have ever had to endure.

You know the problem with others who says that there is hope and stuff like that are not see life in the way you see they are not feel the pain you feel and they think that there is hope but that is actually not true.some people are lucky and got help because they meant for life but some suffers through in their lives and die unhappy. Unfortunatly not everyone meant to live and if you are one of this people then no matter how hard you try your life will never get better. You can try to live somehow and go through life but it will be miserable. Evan if you have a family and friends bdcause no matter how many people arund you if you are not ok than it means nothing.

I am not trying to tell you bad things I just tell you the sad reallity of this world. And how do i know this is real? Because if it wouldn’t be real than everyone would live a happy and long life. When you do experience this fear again, you can start asking yourself some reflecting question to help you ease your fear. Ask yourself, why am I crying? What is it exactly am I afraid of? Do I have to be afraid of this? Do I have a choice not to feel this way? Is this fear dreading my energy down, or is it helping me in any positive way?

Often, the fear of the future has been due to the uncertainty of the future, or the fear of your assumption of your future. The best way to live a happy life is to focus your thoughts on the current moment. What you build and do at this current moment will lead you to your future. Fearing the future will only dread you from accomplishing more in life, and give you a hard time to move forward positively.

If your fear is due to your assumption of the future, ask yourself "Is what I am thinking definitely true? Or is this just my assumption? If this is not necessarily true, why do I want to think of this thought? What is good in this?" Switch your energy to the current moment, focus on what you want to accomplish, on what you can control, and do what you are passionate about. You will slowly realize that it is possible to not put yourself in this fear if you choose to live in the current moment. Cheers!

