Life Audit

Life Audit

Looking to start the new year with some clarity? Feeling a bit burnt out at the end of the year but want to shake that feeling and start again fresh? A life audit may be just what you need!

Now I know no one likes the word audit. It has a negative connotation. I physically cringe when I hear the word – and I know my clients do, too.

But what if it’s to help you regain control?

Auditing yourself is fairly simple and painless – if you’re ready to be honest.

Let’s start with the big picture: What is your why?

Create your personal mission statement, your vision statement. If you don’t know where you want to go and where you want to be, it will be fairly difficult to get there – or know when you’ve arrived. Even if you are just writing down words free form, create the mission statement for your life.

Second: What takes your time?

Create a master copy of everything that takes your time in a given day, week, month. Your job, your side job, your hair appointments, your kids, your dog, your therapist (your retail therapist – hi Target!) When you feel you have thought of everything, compare that list to your mission statement. Which things that take your time match up with where you want to be? Is there anything that is detracting from helping you accomplish your goals?

Third: Use the “Stoplight” Approach

I recently read an article that mentioned this method and I think it really helps to break down your goals, without having to completely eliminate things. Baby steps, people…

Red Light – Stop! It’s time to say no to these items in your life. It’s not no forever but it’s a no for now (didn’t you hate it when your parents said this?)

Yellow Light – Proceed with Caution. This may be something you want to do but it doesn’t fit in your life exactly the way you want it to. Is there a way to rework it? Is it an activity or a job you can share with someone else to help lighten the load?

Green Light – Go, baby go! This is where your main focus should be. This aligns with your mission statement, your vision for your life, something that makes you happy and will help you with your end game.

Is there anything that is on your list that didn’t make it? As the shampoo bottle says, “Wash, rinse and repeat.” What washed out that you realized you can let go of completely?


Erin L. Fitz - AAI, CPIA的更多文章

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