Atul Prasad (Moorishbblu)
18K+ LinkedIn Connects, Meditator, Poet and an accidental corporate citizen
In this finite life
with infinite possibilities,
how to choose?
I say winning
Is also about
When to quit and
when to loose.
And if its really your calling
You wont ever give up
As the puppet up there
will have your strings pulled
When u are down and
Don't know how to get up
The question is how do you
Know if that's your road
That's your calling
I say, its always choosing
Something which makes you
lose the sense of time,
The most precious thing that we have
And makes you curious like a child
Makes you a little bit of a fool
And a little wild
Mockery and ostracism are
Companions or brothers
Which somehow never leave you
Till a day comes when
Finally the world finally looks up to you
And days, "see he always had it in him, didn't i always tell you?"
And u find your place in the sun
Finally finishing what you had begun
Life is uncertain
Yet its the most beautiful possibility
Which opens its arms to you
Like a mother to a child
Giving back a thousand times more
If you value this moment
This time, this while
Say out "I love myself and my life"
Don't wait for the echo to return
The universe always listens to
To someone willing to see
The silver lining even in times of strife.