Leoma Keketso Monaheng
Development Practitioner - Fulbright Scholar | Gender and Development Founder of Kemnet Networks Lesotho. Founder of CV.Worx A creator of spaces and maker of positive, socio-economic change.
I woke up today and chose to bask in beauty. I wanted to regain something I felt that I had lost in the humdrum and monotonous activities of everyday life. I had lost my lust for life. Where Art and I were once in close proximities, there was now a huge, empty void. So I woke up nice and early, chose to take a shower and put on a nice bright smile to face the world. Sure enough, my mood was lightened from the moment my face was met with the bright and warm rays of the sun. I chose that TODAY WOULD BE A BEAUTIFUL DAY. As I took my usual walk towards Spring-valley, where I go to get some small foodstuff. I was hit with a realization. I was surrounded by beauty everywhere I went, from the blossoming trees, to the birds and the bees... This got me thinking, what if everyday is like this. What if we can CHOOSE to see the beauty in EVERYTHING. Not a lot is guaranteed in life, but somethings are known. There does exist in this life, a freedom of choice. I chose to make a positive one TODAY.