Life After MVP: Complexity Battle - Ensuring Code Maintainability

Life After MVP: Complexity Battle - Ensuring Code Maintainability

This is the second article in the series Life After MVP. In the first article, “Ensuring Success as Your Product Grows in Size and Complexity” we reviewed the top four challenges that products encounter after the MVP stage and how to respond to them. Now, let’s delve deeper into the most challenging one: complexity.

As your product evolves and gains complexity, you may notice a shift from the early days of MVP development. What once worked during the MVP phase may now feel insufficient, as growing technical debt and an increasing feature set begin to create bottlenecks. These challenges can hinder your ability to stay on schedule and deliver a stable product, leading to missed deadlines, defects, and unpredictable setbacks.

To address these complexity challenges, consider the following responses:

  • Ensure code maintainability.
  • Implement configuration management practices.
  • Adopt test-driven development (TDD).
  • Set up continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD).
  • Transition to a modular architecture.
  • Utilize advanced estimation and progress tracking techniques.

Now, let’s explore how to ensure code maintainability in more depth.

Ensuring Code Maintainability

To maintain code quality, it's essential to manage technical debt effectively. Here are four best practices that can help you do just that:

1. Identify and Prioritize Debt

  • Create a Debt Log: Document areas of your code that require refactoring or fixing. Use tools like static analysis or code reviews to identify technical debt.
  • Assess Impact: Not all debt is equally urgent. Evaluate the severity of each issue and prioritize based on its impact on performance, scalability, ease of future development, and cost.

2. Address Debt Early

  • Don’t Postpone: Tackle issues as soon as they’re identified, dedicating a portion of each sprint to addressing technical debt. Break it down into small, manageable tasks that can be completed alongside feature development.
  • Regular Audits: Schedule periodic audits to review the codebase, dependencies, and performance, catching debt early before it becomes unmanageable.
  • Debt Burndown: Track technical debt similarly to sprint backlogs, setting goals to progressively reduce it over time.

3. Improve Code Reviews and Standards

  • Establish Code Guidelines: Develop coding standards to avoid bad practices that lead to technical debt, such as duplicated code, poor naming conventions, and lack of modularity.
  • Thorough Code Reviews: Integrate code reviews into your development cycle, focusing not only on functional correctness but also on identifying technical debt risks.
  • Static Analysis Tools: Utilize automated tools to enforce coding standards and detect code smells that contribute to technical debt.

4. Maintain Documentation

  • Keep Documentation Up to Date: Well-maintained documentation helps reduce technical debt by ensuring that developers understand how various parts of the system work and where potential issues may lie.
  • Document Decisions: Maintain a record of architectural and technical decisions to prevent future confusion and facilitate strategic refactoring when necessary.

Metrics to Track Code Maintainability

To effectively manage technical debt and ensure code maintainability, it’s crucial to track key metrics that provide insights into code quality, team efficiency, and long-term sustainability. Here are some important metrics to monitor:

  • Cyclomatic Complexity: This metric measures the number of independent paths through the code. A high cyclomatic complexity indicates a higher likelihood of bugs and a more difficult codebase to maintain. Aim for a complexity score below 10 for individual methods.
  • Code Churn: This metric tracks the amount of code that is frequently modified or rewritten. High code churn can signal instability in the codebase, indicating areas that may need refactoring. Track code churn by module to prioritize debt effectively.
  • Technical Debt Ratio (TDR): This quantifies the amount of technical debt in relation to project size or effort. A TDR above 5% is often considered high, indicating that the cost to fix issues in the codebase is significant compared to the effort required to develop it.
  • Code Duplication: This measures the amount of redundant or duplicated code in the codebase. Keeping duplication under 3% is ideal, as excessive duplication hinders maintainability and complicates bug fixes and feature additions.
  • Defect Density: This metric tracks the number of defects found per unit of code, typically per 1,000 lines of code (KLOC). A high defect density suggests the need for refactoring and improvements in code quality.
  • Mean Time to Repair (MTTR): This measures how long it takes to fix defects or issues in the codebase. Shorter repair times indicate a well-structured codebase that is easier to understand and maintain.
  • Code Review Coverage: This percentage reflects the portion of code changes that undergo peer review. Striving for 100% review coverage ensures higher code quality and reduces the likelihood of defects.
  • Maintainability Index (MI): This provides an overall view of a codebase's maintainability, typically ranging from 0 to 100. Higher values indicate more maintainable code. The MI is a composite metric, originally developed by Paul Oman and Jack Hagemeister, considering factors like cyclomatic complexity, Halstead volume, and lines of code.


Managing complexity after the MVP stage is crucial for the success of your software product. By focusing on code maintainability and implementing best practices to control technical debt, you can enhance the long-term sustainability and quality of your codebase. Regular audits, improved code reviews, and clear documentation are key strategies to ensure that your development process remains efficient and effective. Tracking critical metrics will provide valuable insights into code quality and team performance, enabling informed decision-making and fostering a culture of continuous improvement.


