Life After Death
Life after death is a believe most of the people not accept this concept ,but it is fact there is life after death ,death is a gate way to another life Everything in the earth have definite end, life after death is controversial topic around the word there four leading religion 1-Muslin 2- Christian, 3-Hinduism- 4- communist have two opinion some believe other not Muslim have strong faith on life after death, if God create a baby from liquid which you can not like to touch , when that liquid enter to women body prose’s start slowly that liquid convert into solid form and new baby start getting growth how he remain in who give him feed who day by day give him shape of human its GOD who did all this and then after nine month from where a baby get birth if GOD do this then what is a big problem to make dead body alive but everything take place when time come and he is Answerable what good bad thing he done in the world after death life all depend what he done in living in earth if a person have faith on GOD and faith he is alone believe on all Prophets and must believe Prophet Mohammad PBUH HIS LAST PROPHECT ,and he done all good things pass his lie in earth according to the direction of GOD he get gift of Janet on judgment day if he did wrong thing he go to hell ,but if he faith GOD is alone ,Prophet PBUH his last Prophet and read kalma he must go to jannat after comple his banishment and those who not believe that remain in hell forever The belief in life after death not only guaranteed way of success in the Hereafter but also makes this world full of peace and happiness by making individuals most responsible and applause in their activities. Think of the people of Arabia. Gambling, wine, tribal feuds, plundering, and murdering were their main traits when they had no belief in life after death. However soon as they accepted the belief in One God and life after death, they became the most disciplined nation of the world. They gave up their vices, helped each other in now, and settled all their disputes because of justice and equality. Similarly, the denial of life after death has its consequences not only in the Hereafter but also in this world. When a nation as a whole denies it, all kinds of evils and corruption become rampant in that society and ultimately it is destroyed thus, there are very convincing reasons to believe in life after death. First, all the prophets of God have called their people to believe in it. Secondly, whenever a human society is built because of this belief, it has been the most ideal and peaceful society, free of social and moral evils. Thirdly, history bears witness that whenever this belief is rejected collectively by a group of people despite the repeated warning of the Prophet, the group as a whole has been punished by God even in this world. Fourthly, moral, aesthetic and rational faculties of man endorse the possibility of life after death. Fifthly, God's attributes of Justice and Mercy have no meaning if there is no life after death. To understand life after death is very easy did anyone see GOD, but ninety percent people believe on GOD in different shape, if you believe GOD it means you have to believe what GOD says,once you clear this concept, your belief life after death become strong.
Founder of Ayesha welfare Trust
5 年Ayesha Saleem and 1 other liked your postAyesha Saleem and 1 other liked your post Life after death if you do not believe, FOR YOU, YOU BELIEVE Paradise exists and hell also exit then how you know you know only after death when see all in your eyes, for that you face death Life After Death 2 Reactions