We see a lot of advertisements on various products that mentions “gluten-free”, “sugar-free”, “40 % lesser fat” etc, that makes us buy the product thinking of the fact that it is healthy for our body. These are nothing but just false advertising tricks used by the companies to promote their products. Beside them, we have the influencers who promote almond milk through their social media accounts endorsing the product. Remember they’re paid because money plays the game. Here are some of the facts which we believed to be true but in reality they aren’t.
1. The healthiest tea: Green Tea
Green tea reduces weight, fights cancer, is healthier than black tea etc., heard many of these as much as times as you’ve heard. How much of truth does it contain? Well, it’s true that green tea leaves contain the stimulant that improves your metabolism but the quantity is less—which is exactly same as any other black tea.
In my previous blog, I’ve written about the anti-oxidant properties of both. The catechins from green tea and the theaflavins from the black tea. The fact is that, through the process of oxidation or fermentation, the catechins converts to the theaflavins, which is found in black tea.
Since green tea leaves contain polyphenols—the kind of anti-oxidants that helps in preventing the DNA damage caused by free radicals, doesn’t mean it can fight cancer. It may stop stop cancer cells growing in the body; but the bodies show variable results. Don’t expect it to fight cancer. If it was, then the cancer researchers would have been sipping green tea all day in their office.
So can you drink tea? Up to you, but don’t count on it to do miracles on your body. I always prefer the Turkish Black Tea without sugar that is steam boiled. Effects are the same. :)
2. Your fat cracks with healthy ‘snacks’
Healthy snack, vegan; almost all of the healthy snacks described as 40% less fat, gluten free, good source of fibre, less sodium compared to regular potato chips (the biggest and the most cruel lie), and what not? Studies from the experts in the industry has found out that these honest food labels were nothing but pure deception. In fact, these snacks contain more salt than what seawater has, lol.
A packet of the vegan hummus contained enough salt that you would find in two packs of McDonald’s french fries. Instead of making you healthy, they just shoot your blood pressure up! And what about those sugar-free snacks? The substitute for sugar here is ‘High Fructose Corn Syrup’, sugar alcohols such as maltitol or sorbitol. Pretty healthy, uh?
3. Vitamin water is all we need
Vitamin supplements in the form of water? Seems very easy and super helpful to stay healthy. “Woah, this is all we need!”; mentioning less calories, fake facts stating it is better than soda all makes us believe and pay for it. Well is it really better than soda? A bottle of vitamin water contains 8-10 teaspoons of sugar.
What about the sugar free ones? I think you already know the answer to it.
4. A bottle of juice can cure prostrate cancer
POM Wonderful's claims are so impressive that they helped the company become the top-selling juice in the US in 2009. POM Wonderful pomegranate juice claims to have anti-aging and cancer-fighting properties. According to them, the juice can improve blood flow and treat prostate cancer. A four buck bottle that can do wonders?
The beverage company paid $35 million to the studies that claimed these. In 2009, the FDA warned about 17 companies for making misleading nutritional claims, and POM Wonderful was one of them.
5. “Don’t drink cow milk, it makes you fat.”
Full fat milk contains saturated fats that can make you fat and lead to heart problems. As a substitute drink almond or soya milk or even skimmed milk. This is another myth believed among us.
Well in the contrary, studies have shown that full fat milk is superior to the alternatives by proteins and nutrition. It’s right to have almond or soya milk if you are lactose intolerant or a vegan but otherwise you are just contributing to the market of these that is expected to reach almost $36 billion by 2025.