Lies, TSA Improvements, and Social Media Goes Off the Rails

Lies, TSA Improvements, and Social Media Goes Off the Rails

"Just because something isn't a lie does not mean that it isn't deceptive. A liar knows that he is a liar, but one who speaks mere portions of truth to deceive is a craftsman of destruction." 

— Criss Jami

4:51 a.m. MT, 6:51 a.m. ET, my body is in ET, my mind in MT. This is my bridge day, a day where I get my body and mind on the same schedule. We arrived back in Indiana about 7:00 last night, we left sunny and 45 and arrived to a blustery 7 degrees with a wind chill of near death. Back home again in Indiana.

I’m not bitching; it is January in Indiana, this is what we would expect. But I’m not a huge fan of the cold, nor am I a fan of extreme heat, I’m like Goldilocks, I like my weather just right.

So how was Martin Luther King Day? It’s pretty amazing the impact of that one man on society.  It’s funny to watch both sides use his words to defend their platform and actions. One man, two interpretations of his work or does his work allow for use on both sides of our political ideology? 

I think we are in week 5 of the government shutdown, the media has said there is a crisis at the airport, but having traveled weekly since the shutdown, we have not had an interruption in service. Yesterday it seemed to flow even faster. Maybe those non-essential employees are better used in the private sector.  

We had our daughter join us in Colorado this weekend. She and a friend flew in on Friday, hung out with us, then went out to meet some friends. They get home late; we were always in bed.

Saturday night we went out to a friend’s Speak Easy, we were treated like royalty. If you are ever in Denver, check out Green Light Lab, it’s an amazing experience.

On Sunday we headed out to our mountain house. We hung out, ate, watched silly movies and sat on our crushed purple velvet bean bag chairs. It’s pretty special hanging out with your kids at 8232 feet.

I guess there was some heated debate over some Indians and some kids wearing MAGA hats online. I didn’t pay much attention, but the story seemed to evolve, once they got it right, they found out the story had been blurred. Folks had to apologize, but now the world is in “get even” mode, I think that is the problem with our society right now, we are all in “get even mode.” 

Buzzfeed faked a story; they were called out, seems they are sticking to their guns. In the high stakes game of news media, you have daily opportunities to ruin your reputation; I think Buzzfeed, might be at the end of their reign of silly cat videos, click-bait stories, or and yes, hard-hitting factually incorrect news.

I think this weekend showed us all again that we live in an online outrage society. If you spend time online, people are hypersensitive. But if you talk to your fellow humans that outrage is either cloaked or nonexistent. I’m confident the real world is so much more an indication of where we are as a society. Our online life and attitudes seem a little inflated. Not just in the bad times, but also the good times. 

I think there are two kinds of people. One group, my Queen and I included, like to use social media to share our lives, the good times, the fun, and family and leave the “life crap” in our social media closet. The other group likes to highlight their “life crap.” If they are sick, they want you to know. If Aunt Mary is heading to the hospital, they need prayers. If their second cousin they have never met is involved in a car accident, here are some photos for your viewing pleasure.

We choose what we focus on, and in life, some things simply don’t matter. The weekend we just spent with our kid was amazing, we shared some images, but ultimately, that is our history, the impact on others is nonexistent. 

A final note, a friend just had a major life event, he lost a family member, and I watched others show their love and support for this family and their loss. I think this a beautiful use of social media. Social media is a tool that can be used for the good, bad, the ugly, and your thoughts on Tom Brady. 

There is comedy gold hidden in your feed, as there is a tragedy, hate, and ire. I understand why folks take vacations from social media, but ultimately, I like to keep up with my friends and family. I like to see what my favorite Resturant has to offer this evening, and I like to share my light-hearted thoughts on life.

It’s Tuesday; it’s cold AF outside. Well, it’s cold AF where I am, and I hope you can keep your heart warm. No matter your place, focus on the positive, share the good news, and keep the daily blips of life to yourself.  When tragedy strikes allow others to lift you and when others are down, give them the support you need. I think society is better sans social media, but that is not the world we choose.

"Just because something isn't a lie does not mean that it isn't deceptive. A liar knows that he is a liar, but one who speaks mere portions of truth to deceive is a craftsman of destruction." 

— Criss Jami


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