Lie is like a pain killer …It gives instant relief …but has side effects forever …unprecedented wave of censorship recently…part 213

Lie is like a pain killer …It gives instant relief …but has side effects forever …unprecedented wave of censorship recently…part 213

We all know lying is bad. We’ve heard that since we were young. But have you heard about some of the long-term effects of lying?

Aside from hurting others, Medical Express recently did a study showing how lying affects the person telling the lie. They discovered dishonest people struggle to read others’ emotions accurately

Lying is another word for one thing… fear.

Fear of what the other person thinks. It’s that simple.

Lying comes in many forms. But it’s the one thing that can destroy people more than anything else. Even white lies.

We can generally sense lies. So the other person thinks “they don’t like me, I’m not worth the effort, they don’t respect me enough to tell the truth”.

I have some good friends. If they don’t want to meet for a pint or coffee.

 “Can’t be bothered tonight mate just watching TV”. God how I appreciate that.

. There are many effects of lying but i am going to drop the little i know.

Religiously lying is a big sin to God.

No matter how responsible you are lying can easily bring down your respect, interpret, humbleness etc.

No one on earth will ever respect you and your words.

The last but not the list, whatever you utter truth or not truth no one will ever believe you.

You have to keep track of what lies you have told to whom.

You are disrespecting the people you are lying to. If they found out you lied, they will trust you less & the relationship may be permanently tarnished.

You are disrespecting yourself but not trusting that you are good enough to have your truth told.

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Depending upon the lie, lives can be ruined, hearts can be broken, and irreparable damage can be done.

So, just be honest.

We don’t always know who is truthful and who isn’t. In some occupations, like mental health therapy, it’s important for professionals to be able to tell if someone is being honest or not.

 Without understanding someone’s level of honesty, it can be hard to understand their emotional capabilities. If EyeDetect? — a new lie detector that monitors eye behavior to detect deception — was used by mental health practitioners as a way to determine honesty, they could be far more effective in their treatment plans.

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 EyeDetect? doesn’t have to be used to get individuals in trouble with the law or disqualified from a job. However, it can be used to assist in resolving emotional issues.

Once you lie you lose trust in yourself. You dislrdsect the other person because they appeared to fall for it (mostly they are too polite to call you a liar).

Disclaimer: The information on this POST is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional advice. The opinions expressed within this article are the personal opinions of the author. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this article is for general information purposes / educational purposes only, and to ensure discussion or debate. 

Thank you …The people those speak lie are always opening a channel of pain for them. Those speak lie their throat chakra become weak, now their energy flow comes in filactuatuin from this point.

Next, their masks becomes weak & soon turn in to malefic status.

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Results are, financial losses, aloneness, depression, fake relations, break in financial growth. And this person soon comes in the circle of many disease those belongs to brain & lungs. So it's best to be honest & truthful, finally we don't need to keep so much in memory with this nature of truth.

There could be several situations when a person feels it’s a life and death situation for him/her. When one is compelled to lie for a crime one has done, or for the project one couldn’t deliver, for that nasty association with someone or something that was a mistake and is powerful enough to change the course of one’s life.

One can lie about one’s extra marital affair but the moment the lie is staring blatantly on the liar’s face, things can get really ugly.

Another example could be lying for the work you were expected to complete but couldn’t, for some reason. Instead of telling the truth, one chooses to lie about it. These everyday small lies can really frustrate a person and soon they would be finding themselves in a living hell.

Men and women lie equally to save themselves and to prove their innocence. Relationships are demanding. If you f**** it up, you know you are changing the dynamics of your relationship.

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Lying is the easiest thing to do if a person wants to avoid some sort of confrontation for momentary pleasure. If it turns out that lying is a person’s only way to get out of the problems, chances are they would continue to hide or lie.

Want to add word or two?

Well, this lie happens to a person in two situations; when one fakes to be something one is not and would want to achieve/ become more than what one is currently or when one’s life is not interesting enough, they don’t like hard work and the only thing that works for them is a “Show Off Lie” that comforts them.

Though the first situation can turn into a favorable one too.

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 Let’s say you fake being a studious person, chances are there that you would believe your lie and would become one! If you tell yourself you have great focus, chances are you would take steps to make this lie a truth for yourself.

Your comment ….?

The lie does matter ... to them. The number one reason people lie when it just doesn’t matter is because they actually do think it matters.

While everyone around them thinks it’s an inconsequential issue, the liar believes it is critically important.

They may be putting undeserved emphasis or pressure on themselves, or on the issue, but you won’t know unless you ask something like, “It seems like this issue is really important to you — why?”

Telling the truth feels like giving up control. Often, people tell lies because they are trying to control a situation and exert influence toward getting the decisions or reactions they want. The truth can be “inconvenient” because it might not conform to their narrative.

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They don’t want to disappoint you. It may not feel like it to you, but people who tell lie after lie are often worried about losing the respect of those around them. They want you to like them, be impressed, and value them. And they’re worried that the truth might lead you to reject or shame them.

 Lies snowball. I remember a cartoon my kids watched years ago about how lies grow. We tell a little bitty lie, but then to cover that lie, we have to tell another one, then another, and another — each gets bigger and bigger.

Finally, we’re arguing about the color of the sky, because to admit anything creates the potential of the entire house of cards tumbling. If a chronic liar admits to any single lie, they feel like they’re admitting to being a liar, and then you’ll have reason to distrust them.

It’s not a lie to them. When we are under pressure, our thinking about the big picture can be challenged.

Our memory of things is actually quite unreliable: our memories are influenced by many things, that they change over time, and that they are essentially reconstructed each time we think about them.

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Often, repetitive liars feel so much pressure in the moment that their memory becomes simply unreliable. When they say something, it’s often because they genuinely believe, at that moment, that it is the truth.

Their memory has been overwhelmed by stress, current events, and their desire to find a way to make this situation work.

Sometimes, this can become so severe that the person almost seems to have created a complete alternate world in their head, one that conforms to their moment-by-moment beliefs and needs.

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The liar might want their lie to be true so badly that their desire and needs again overwhelm their instinct to tell the truth. 

Dayal Ram

Managing Director at DAYALIZE

4 年

There are a number of reasons that people tell lies. The main ones are: To avoid hurt feelings (diplomacy). There is no right answer to "Does my butt look big in this dress?" Most men will lie to spare their mate's feelings and perhaps also because they don't want to deal with their mate's reaction to an honest answer. For attention or to feel significant. People lie to attract attention and to appear more interesting. This often referred to as exaggeration or hyperbole. The famous fisherman's tales are examples. To achieve a desired outcome or to avoid a negative one. People lie on their resumes in order to get the job. People lie to potential mates to win them over. The kind of lies that we tell to avoid a negative outcome are often labeled 'excuses'. The underlying cause of this practice Well it’s difficult to find out a way to catch a liar. Because everyone lies sometimes, but very few people are really good at it. So, more often than not, you can catch a liar if you know what to look for. Liars often have a hard time matching their emotions to their lie. They may also do a poor job of telling the lie itself, or reveal their unease through their body language. If you are observant and persistent with the suspected liar, there’s a good chance you’ll uncover the truth. Method 1 (Watching and Listening for Clue) Look for a fake smile: Real smiles and fake smiles look very different upon closer inspection. A fake smile is often limited to the person’s mouth, while they genuinely smile with their eyes, cheeks and whole face. If the person seems to be fake smiling at you, they may have something to hide. The smile is an attempt to reassure you that all is okay. See if their head shakes “no” when they say “yes” — or vice versa: Untrained liars often betray what they’re saying with unconscious head movements. Watch them from the neck up as they tell you a suspected lie, and see if the “yes” nod or “no” shake matches what they’re saying. For instance, if your boyfriend declares that “No, of course I wasn’t out at the club with my ex,” but he subtly nods while saying it, you may have reason to be suspicious.



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