Lid I-5 Site Walk
Scott (and his father, left) at Olive and I-5
The sun was out, the attendees were numerous, and the TV cameras were there for Scott's Lid I-5 tour this past Saturday, March 9, 2019. This being Scott's third or fourth lid tour, we were pleasantly surprised by the number of new faces and overall attendees.
Council Member Bagshaw and Lyle Bicknell, OPCD Project Manager
The familiar faces included CM Sally Bagshaw, our staunchest elected advocate, and Lyle Bicknell, Principal Urban Designer at OPCD for the upcoming Lid Feasibility Study. Marshall Foster, Waterfront Design Manager for the City of Seattle, was also in attendance.
Marion and Seventh
As usual, Scott began at Marion and Seventh, the southern boundary of the University of Washington's Rustad Center's real estate study for the future lid. Scott, myself, and Liz Dunn participated in Al Levine's studio this past Fall Quarter analyzing the value-add lidding I-5 presents. You can read the report here.
Even Millennials?
Among the Many of the Interested Attendees
An indicator of our campaign's reach was the range of ages of attendees, from millennials to retirees. The questions were many, and on a variety of topics. Having moved beyond those of the last four years of how much will it cost, is it technically feasible, and will WSDOT allow a lid (all excellent questions, and the focus of the Feasibility Study), most questions were of a more probing nature - an indication that we have moved from 'if' to 'when'.
Brad Tong and Lyle B
Speaking of the Feasibility Study, it was nice to meet one of the selected consultant's key team members, Brad Tong of Shiels Obletz, Johnsen. Dutifully taking notes throughout, Brad's excitement for the project was palpable.
KING 5 Interviewing and Attendee
KING 5 News was on hand. They have been following our story for years and gave us our first interview in December 2015 after Scott, Jim Castanes, and I presented our vision to the Seattle City Council in December 2015. We've come so far, so fast!