Licensed Providers Asked to Fill Out Survey in Wake of Worldwide IT Outages
The Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency (PEMA) is asking for providers to fill out a survey after widespread Microsoft technology outages.
PEMA wants to assess the impacts on the state Department of Human Services licensing due to the outages that have been reported as of July 19. The survey for providers features questions that pertain to licensed facilities to determine the impact at the facility level.
In mid-July, a security patch from Crowdstrike – a major cybersecurity company – caused worldwide IT outages that span many applications and platforms, including Microsoft products.
The DHS requests that all licensed providers complete the Microsoft Forms Survey even if they are not currently experiencing any interruptions. Licensed providers only need to complete the form once, so those filling it out should coordinate within their agency to ensure there is no duplication of reporting efforts.
The survey is now available online.