Licensed to be great.
It seems that entrepreneurs today are a growing breed. Starting from business categorizations to actual occupational titles “Entrepreneur” is appearing more and more in today’s lingo.
Well, before I answer that, I think I should start with my concerns for this new seeming “growth of growth”. I believe that we’re looking at this all wrong. See, there are politicians, then there are people who follow politicians. There are sports stars, then there are enthusiasts. There are even “elected mascots” for teams, action committees and societal programs for the community- but at the end of the day the two groups are still very different. You see, the valedictorian will go home and get on fb, while the politician goes home and reads a book. The game watcher will go home to grill, while the athlete goes to the gym and as the mascots of society fold up their volunteered costumes, the team goes to the drawing board. Why?
Because they’re different, and as golden as it is to appreciate greatness, not everyone is great; entrepreneurially speaking-of course. The truth is that being a disruptive member of the world in hopes of making a difference doesn’t mean joining social groups on digital platforms. It doesn’t mean “liking” millionaire quotes on Pinterest or Instagram. You can’t become great just by having “one day” thoughts, you become great by making “today” decisions.
Being groundbreaking isn’t easy, but does require a certain amount of solitude. We try to band together and create support groups and call them “dynamic clubs” or “enterprising associations”, but that isn’t being an Entrepreneur. Your not guaranteed money, fame or fortune by being social about your career goals. There is no license for success. Being an Entrepreneur is NOT having support, NOT having the benefit of enthusiasm, and STILL making decisions that will impact the world best, DESPITE what you’re “feeling” in regards to your own personal wealth.
“Life is about making an impact, not making an income.”
Kevin Kruse
Do you realize that paying to be in an “Entrepreneurial Camp” or “school” is simply an applied technique to make money from an actual Entrepreneur?! They can’t teach you not to care about your circumstances (this is what being an Entrepreneur is).They make being a groundbreaker sound complex and soon you’ll have to have a 2 year degree to associate yourself with the title. To succeed you must want one thing- the Best. Period. If you are truly an entrepreneur, you’ll make it happen, intentionally.
You must value God, value people and value your environment. To build a set of motivators off of non-valuable reasons is in-consistent to your goal, so choose things that can’t be changed with circumstances. If you keep these goals in the forefront of your mind, you’ll never run out of reasons to succeed.
Be real, stick to your convictions and don’t get caught up in the “fad” of being different. Be different. Be you.