- Exclusive Plan for Saving and Retirement Planning.
- Guaranteed Lifetime Income at 8.00%
- Whole Life Risk Cover with Limited Premium Payment Option.
- Discount in Premium for Sum Assured of Rs.5 Lacs and above.
- Lifetime Cover to the extent Basic Sum Assured + Bonus + Final Bonus (if any).
- Loan Available after 2 full years of premium payment.
- On Maturity, Sum Assured + Bonus + Final Bonus (if any) will be paid.
- Policy Back dating available within the same financial year.
- LIC’s Accidental Death and Disability Benefit Rider OR Accidental Death Benefit rider, Term Assurance Rider and Critical Illness rider is available as an optional rider by payment of nominal additional premium.
- Free lookup period for 15 Days.
- Premium Paid are eligible for tax savings u/s 80 C, Maturity Amount is Tax Free u/s 10 (10) (D).
- Option to take Death Benefit in installments.
- Minimum Age "0" and Maximum Age "55"
- Minimum Term "45" and Maximum "100"
- Sum Assured Minimum "2,00,000/-" Maximum "No Limit"
- Payment Mode :- Yearly, Half Yearly, Qly, Monthly (ECS) & SSS