Liberty Hill ISD Board Calls May 2023 Bond Election to Address Enrollment Growth and School Safety
Liberty Hill Independent School District
Building Champions in Academics, Character, and Community.
LIBERTY HILL, TX - The Liberty Hill ISD Long-Range Planning Committee has been hard at work over the past five months studying the district’s student enrollment growth, school capacity challenges, safety and security, programmatic and facility expansions. In October 2022, the School Board of Trustees charged the district with reconvening the 2020 Long-Range Planning Committee. This year we added some additional members for a committee of 90 school district parents, students, teachers, administrators, and community members.?
The work culminated in a long-range plan to ensure that Liberty Hill ISD has future capacity to accommodate the rapid enrollment growth and to make school safety enhancements throughout the district.?This year, the district added over 1,300 new students, and is projected to nearly double in size over the next five years.
School safety also rose to the top of the priority list for members of the committee.?The bond places a heavy emphasis on safety improvements throughout LHISD including security vestibules, access control (badge access), security cameras, security fencing, radios, intrusion glass coverings, School Resource Officer (SRO) offices, cell phone boosters, and other safety items.?
“We are grateful for the ongoing dedication that the Long-Range Planning Committee members invested into the process of developing this bond program and for their continued commitment to students and staff,” said Mr. Steve Snell, Liberty Hill ISD Superintendent of Schools. “Committee members were dedicated throughout this process to creating a plan that addresses our significant enrollment growth, school safety, and that ensures we remain fiscally responsible.”
Following months of meetings and collaborative work, the committee developed and prioritized projects to be included in the bond program.?The Liberty Hill ISD Board of Trustees unanimously voted in favor of the committee’s recommendation and called a bond election for May 6, in the amount of $471.1 million to fund the construction of new schools, expand existing campuses, and enhance school safety throughout the district.?The bond will result in no increase to the tax rate.
The bond program will be split into three separate propositions:??
Proposition A ($459 million) School Building and Safety Proposition -?Includes funding for high school #2 (scheduled to open 2026), elementary school #8, elementary school #9, school safety and security enhancements, network infrastructure, a transportation facility, HVAC and roofing improvements at existing campuses, and land for future school sites.?Significant improvements at Liberty Hill High School include a cafeteria expansion, Career and Technology Education (CTE) expansions, a robotics workshop, band hall additions, and more.?
Proposition B ($7.1 million) Technology Proposition -?Focuses on instructional technology devices, network upgrades, projectors, instructional technology carts, CTE labs, and Special Education devices. Over the last two years, our Technology Department has developed a construction technology protocol in which a standardization of student and staff devices is implemented in each classroom. This proposition supports the continuation of the technology refresh plan with a 5-year refresh cycle.
Proposition C ($5 million) Stadium Proposition -?The proposition enables the district to replace the aging athletic field turf, which has exceeded its lifespan of 10 years, at the Liberty Hill High School Panther Stadium. Replacing field turf ensures safety and prevents severe injuries for students on the field. This stadium is utilized by a wide variety of athletic and fine arts student groups, including football, track, soccer, band, drill team, cheer, and more. It will also include the construction of another concession stand and restrooms to accommodate the growing number of students and spectators attending athletic, extracurricular, and UIL competitions.?
The district is projected to enroll over 13,400 students by 2026 and 21,400 students by 2031. According to Zonda Demographics, Liberty Hill ISD was ranked as the third fastest-growing school district in Austin, behind Leander ISD and Georgetown ISD. The district saw nearly 2,600 new home starts last year and closings on nearly 2,100 homes. There are currently 10,500 future vacant developed lots to build on, according to the demographic report.
“The growth, while challenging, is very exciting,” said Megan Parsons, School Board President.?“The growth brings opportunities to provide excellent educational opportunities and new programs to help keep our students competitive in a global economy.”
The annual home sales in Liberty Hill ISD exceeded Hays CISD, Pflugerville ISD, Austin ISD, Hutto ISD, Del Valle ISD, Manor ISD, Dripping Springs ISD and other fast-growth communities.
This bond will not result in an increase to the tax rate.?The property values and construction of new homes and businesses increase the District’s bonding capacity at the current I&S tax rate and will support this bond program with no impact to the tax rate. The Liberty Hill ISD Board of Trustees has decreased the overall tax rate by 20 cents in the last 3 years.??
Voters overwhelmingly supported a bond program in 2021 to build elementary schools #6 and #7, middle school #3, high school #2, district-wide renovations and additions, safety and security, technology, new buses, and more. The recent demographic projections, however, indicate that the district will need to prioritize the construction of these schools and will need more schools sooner than anticipated to accommodate our rapidly increasing student enrollment.
The district will be providing opportunities for community presentations and detailed information about the bond in the coming weeks.?In addition, parents will receive updated information about the bond program, voter and polling information, and other details at?