Liberia on the move
Andrew S Nevin, PhD
Brainomics – what is the economic value of better brain health?
I was immensely privileged last week to visit Liberia. Liberia is an amazing country with enormous potential that has had its share of challenges but is poised to really make strides. All Africans should take an interest given its unique and powerful history. Liberia was created with US assistance, following the abolition of the slave trade, to repatriate African Americans back to Africa. In 1847, it became the first black independent republic in Africa (second in the world after Haiti), and also the first African country to join the UN in 1945. Liberia experienced great economic growth between the 1940s and 1970s, during which it was home to the world’s largest rubber industry, among other natural and mineral resources.
In addition, few countries can boast of 2 back-back superstars leading the country. Madam Ellen Sirleaf Johnson, a recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize, was Africa's first female president. Recently elected President George Weah is the only native African to be named FIFA’s World Player of the Year (1995) and win the Ballon D’Or (1995), and was a global superstar while playing for several prestigious football clubs in Europe. Even Canada can only claim one global superstar leader, our own selfie king Prime Minister Justin Trudeau!
After having suffered through two horrendous civil wars lasting from 1989 - 2003, it was just getting its mojo back when it was hit by the Ebola crisis in 2014.
But President Weah is ready to move forward. His first policy pronouncement has been emphatic: development needs to help everyone in society, not just the wealthy. We look forward to seeing President Weah flesh out and make this pro-poor (his words) work.
I am very proud that PwC is the only major professional services firm in Liberia, with over 40 people, and a great commitment to supporting Liberia and developing its people.
Go Liberia