Liberator and Challenger – the gifts that drive innovation and change in the world
by Angie McCourt, VP Transformation Management Office, Tech Data
Let’s talk about your gifts! The ones that are not typically included in your performance reviews or career development conversations. Those not recognized for the gifts they truly are. Those not realized for the impact they/you have on others, business, community and life as a whole. And even those viewed as negative? Ok let’s go there too.
Patriarchy has developed a ‘system’ of approach for thousands of years, but it’s starting to crumble. The reason is because we are realizing the gifts we have (our birth right) are valuable and should be recognized in today’s world (including the business world). Heck there are even studies showing how much more impactful board rooms, businesses, teams of problem solvers are so much more effective by embracing these gifts (we are finally starting to be able to leverage without retribution, criticism or coaching from our bosses or others).
If I hear one more time that the only decisions should be solely based on the numbers I’m going to puke. Yes puke! It makes me sick to my stomach when my own intuitive gifts are not recognized or trusted. Hello everyone, I’ve been using them for 25 years in business and pretty successfully. And yes I’ve stated this without fear…I TRUST MY GUT! Of course I use numbers too, but honestly, there is NEVER a case where the most effective decisions can be based solely on numbers. Why? Because situations change at the speed of light and many future outcomes cannot be predicted numerically and because people are still important in how they deliver or execute – their experience, credibility, ownership, critical thinking and big picture capacity.
I’d like to bring to light those ‘other’ gifts that truly do make a difference with our teams, business, leadership and effectiveness in the hope (yes I use this word almost daily now??) others will start to embrace their gifts, talk about them, not hide them or feel ashamed when an authority figure gives their opinion (based on that ole patriarchal system) about how that person should not be so vocal or passionate (at least we are finally shifting from calling this 'emotional').
This is the first of a 6-part blog series where I will (re)introduce you to your gifts and why they are important. I’ll also tackle some of the negative ways they can be viewed and attempt to share how you can embrace and recognize those gifts. Let’s dig in….
You are a liberator.. As a liberator you empower others to challenge out modeled beliefs and find freedom in their passion for innovation.
Think about a time when you challenged status quo because you believed in something so deeply (possibly not even truly knowing why). Did that have an impact on those around you? Did you also see those same people challenge either a process, way of doing something or a belief that was very outdated because of your brave lead? We are in a time where a major refresh is at play. We call it transformation or innovation, we call it a shift in leadership style or hierarchy/structure. If you have surrendered to this new age (versus fighting change) you will be able to leverage the liberator gift you have within you to help bring new ideas to your teams, company and community to solve not only every-day problems, but truly transform your business, company, community by challenging old or out modeled beliefs and have this impact on others.
You are a challenger….. A challenger seeds visions that challenge limitations. Your gifts as a challenger brings clarity, precision and direction to vision. The challenger is the clarifier of aligned and grounded higher vision and purpose on behalf of the whole.
The challenger gift not only challenges current state or decisions that may not have a big picture viewpoint, but they challenge others to ‘think bigger’. I love this gift because ‘they’ are the ones who get us to think about things more deeply, more broadly, more intensely in ways we were not even considering. I also view this gift as a way to help others develop critical thinking, big picture business assessment, creative intelligence and problem finding/solving….it sparks curiosity in others! Just because you may make others feel uncomfortable by ‘asking so many questions’ does not mean it’s the wrong approach. It’s an inclusive approach vs. just telling them the answer! This gift brings an impact to not only decisions, approaches and solutions, but it has a direct impact on others by empowering them to tap into their gifts too.
So how are these two gifts typically shadowed in the current environment? Being afraid to share your ideas is the most common – translated to not speaking up. I’ve heard this personally, ‘you are too strong in your opinions’. Have you heard that one before? Yep. Just because you may be challenging something passionately does not mean you should not be allowed to pursue the opportunity. The negative impact by not allowing your gift to shine is that you dim your light. Over time this has a negative impact on your self-esteem and your contributions to your job and community. Your company or community also lose out on your ideas and stay stagnant for that much longer. The other way I have experienced the liberator gift is by excluding others you feel won’t have the same viewpoints or not accept your ideas. The issue here is then others can’t help bring change to the situation and others dim their own light.
As you start to evaluate your gifts, REQUIRE that ‘professional development’ checkboxes acknowledge your gifts.
As we recognize all gifts as being valuable to our teams, leadership effectiveness, business shifts, innovation, transformation and our future there are some things I’ll be calling out in each series to bring food for thought.
Receive the following from a sense of having both feminine and masculine principles within you. Embracing both is the key!
‘Harmonized leadership alchemizes all of our strengths by integrating the feminine principles of cooperation, love, receptivity, vulnerability, tenderness, spontaneity, beauty, connection and inclusion with the masculine principles of focused direction, divine order, humble decisiveness, honorable discipline and passionate purpose.’ ~Elayne Kalila Doughty
#loveyourgifts #business #professional coaching #professional development #leadership #balance #technology