The liberation of children

The liberation of children

Here is the transcript of the video

Some explanatory passages of the video do not appear in the text.



My intention was to make this video yesterday, to give back to Herod what is Herod's and to free the children who are all called to become Christs on Earth.

Finally, it is today, the day of Saint David, this Saint from Wales who saw a white dove land on his shoulder, that I am making this video.

It is a very good omen.


Depiction of Saint David in a stained glass window in the chapel of Jesus College, Oxford. (Wikipedia)

To obtain peace, whether in our country, in the whole world, or in the hearts of the children who are freeing themselves, there are several steps to follow:

1??. To stop the fighters of Israel, there is only one thing to do. Israel must recognize its Messiah.


2??. The Christ thus designated (with the 144,000 Chosen who share Christ in them) will be helped by the descendant of Mohammed, or let's say rather his descendants who have the objective of bringing peace wherever they go. Women will thus be freed from false prophets.


3??. At the level of the Russian Confederation and Ukraine, many have rushed into this conflict. The image they keep of Stalin has surpassed that of the Russian soul that Vladimir Putin nevertheless possesses.

We will find an acceptable outcome so that Mr. Zelensky has a new role to play. The Earth was given to humans by our Creator. To give is to give. To take back is to steal. This is valid for all countries. It is time for Blackrock to keep its cerberus on a leash. They are not allowed within our Creator house.

As for you, Vladimir, I personally need your help. I know that your scientists are the most advanced in both organic farming and in terms of care through fasting. According to my research, my condition would prevent me from fasting. I need to check it and be monitored by competent doctors.

4??. The Eagle and the Dragon will stop bickering since in any case, it is always up to the Rooster to show the Right direction to take. This is the only way for the Lions of Finance to support us all. I hope that is clear to everyone.

5??. At the level of France, the company République Fran?aise will collapse. At least, we will help it. If Ma?tre Fortabat Labatut, Ma?tre Guyon, Ma?tre Di Vizio, Ma?tre Brusa and all the others want to take care of it, we will bankrupt this company.

With the money, we create the Foundation la Fée du Sud which will redistribute the funds directly to those who deserve it. La Fée du Sud, it seems to me Fair towards the populations who feed the Planet. And then, it nicely counterbalances the North Star.

6??. The only political regime that can maintain stability in our country is the Royalty of Christic blood. It is only with a Royalty that we will have the support of the neighboring Crowns. Contrary to what the Republicans have claimed, a King, here a Queen, has the duty to listen to his subjects. This is why citizen agoras will be held in all your cities. Everyone has the right to educate themselves and to inform themselves, to think as they wish. On the other hand, we will learn to listen to each other.

7??. Life, such as we have never known it, will resume its most legitimate rights. We will train ourselves to adapt the best agricultural and care techniques to our regions.


You are entitled to ask me how Israel can recognize its Messiah.

At present, we have many prophets on Earth. Which one would be Righteous? Which one would bear the Seal of Solomon?


It is written in the stars. Each cult possesses a part of Divine Knowledge. It is by bringing them together that we obtain the date of birth of the Messiah.

I was born on December 3 at 9:15 in the morning.


?? My birth angels are:

?? Hahasiah because the time has come to heal our memories;

?? Chavakhiah because I must transmit that reconciliation is first done within oneself;

?? Seheiah because I must share all the happiness in the world.


?? Astrology designates me as being influenced by Jupiter: Sagittarius ascendant Sagittarius, but also Serpentarius since NASA revealed it, leading to the fall of Babylon.

Chinese astrology designates me as a Dragon. The Chinese tradition is the one to which we owe the principles of harmony.


?? My life path is 11, which places me at the crossroads between:

??? Materialists and spiritualists;

??? Old and young;

??? Men and women.

There is ego on all sides, each refusing to see that it is the experience of the other that leads them to make statements that may seem completely out of touch with reality on the other side.


?? From my experience, I remember that, whatever name you give it, Yahweh, God, Allah, the Universe, the Source loves you all. It is only you who do not love yourselves enough. We will therefore learn to listen to each other by distancing ourselves from our statements so that everyone understands the message instead of holding it against the messenger.


?? My path, like that of all the Chosen Ones, has been a demanding path, where I have had to weigh up ideas that are sometimes very distant.

Telling the Truth brings many worries. Only the Truth hurts, they say.

I then had to learn many notions before being able to discern what is Right for me and what is Right for All.


?? This path of Self-knowledge is also the one that allowed me to heal from an illness, bipolarity, that only the inverted earth system could induce.

I can help doctors establish a protocol to definitively cure bipolarity and other illnesses such as depression, burn-out, bore-out, schizophrenia and many autism spectrum disorders.


?? The Seal of Solomon, schematically represented by the shield of David, is Life, the one we carry in our veins and that we must transmit to our children, to All our children. It is our DNA represented in cross-section. This sign is the one that connects us to very ancient times. The Hindus depicted it 8000 years before a spider's web protected King David.


It is therefore Life that we must protect within ourselves, instead of wanting to play this game of domination and submission that has occupied humanity for too long.

For the record, only the seal of Solomon authorizes bankers to trade.


?? I had already mentioned it. My name, in spoken tradition, has been in the Bible since the year 633.

By chance if there is one, it takes the z of a famous fox.

My first name is that of a Saint who refused to wear the veil on a religion that was not hers. I am led to finish lifting the veil of illusions that Jesus of Nazareth had begun to lift in his time.

As I understand it, I am far from being the only one since everything is being put in place step by step to arrive at a new Just World for everyone.


?? Since today is St David’s Day, I am sure the former Prince of Wales can bow and release the former Commonwealth territories, so that we can listen with grace to the lovely melody of the New Zealand haka.


?? My country’s urgent need is to house and feed those who need it most. It is 2024, it is inhumane to refuse a few oranges or tangerines to those who ask you.


?? The Truth always takes its time. Everything should be revealed to you through traditional media by January 21st, when all the planets will be aligned.


Thank you for listening. I wish you a great week.

Nathalie Croz

Nature: Human, equivalent to the 8 billion other humans on Earth -

Mission: Bring Unity and Peace -

I am who I am

Nathalie Croz

Nature : Humain, équivalent aux 8 milliards d’autres humains sur Terre - Mission : Amener l’Unité et la Paix - Je suis qui je suis

2 个月


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