Liberating the real authentic YOU

Liberating the real authentic YOU

Stepping Out From Beyond Your Conditioning

Picture yourself stepping out, away from the conditioning that's held you back. It's like escaping a circle someone else drew, saying, "Here's how you should be." This is akin to escaping from invisible rules and restrictions telling you must behave in a certain way. "To get along we must go along!"

Well, newsflash: You're outside that circle now, free to be your genuine self. No more following other people's rules. It's like breaking free from a mould that's been shaping you, handcuffs that have held you prisoner.

How do I know that? Because youre reading this article!

From today, you get to decide what feels right, what brings you joy, and choose to be true to yourself!

Great Aunt Victoria Stinks of Urine

In this epic adventure we call our lives, a transformative journey beckons. A journey that calls us to transcend the roles we play and the masks we've learned to adorn, thinking they'll keep us safe.

We have learned to don these fake masks, like when, as an example, as a young child we tell great aunt Victoria that she smells. Everyone is aghast and we are scolded, "You can’t say that, that's rude!" even though it's the truth. It must be because everyone else is talking about how she smells behind great aunt's back. This is a classic example of what's called domesticative conditioning.

Our Masks Provide Us With a False Sense of Security

So, we create these masks as a safety mechanism because we’ve learned that there are certain ways, we need to act in order to conform to what everyone expects of us.

Our masks, which we've crafted from the survival scripts which were ingrained into us by societal expectations, obscure the extraordinary person we inherently are.

Life's big game wants us to wake up to our real self, our genuine essence. Life calls us to step outside of our conditioning.

Life encourages us to chuck away those masks and emancipate ourselves from our conditioned personas, and revel in the discovery of the unique superhero within. It's like saying, "Hey, I don't need to pretend. I'm awesome just the way I am!"

Love: Igniting the Heart's Revolution and Breaking Chains

Deep down inside us, there's this awesome thing called love. It's like a happy glow that comes from truly appreciating who we are. Unfortunately, all too often we get so caught up in trying to be tough and strong, or worse hide from situations appearing to be un-safe, we forget all about this love because we're so busy trying to survive.

Breaking free from our “tough act” means realizing how crucial it is to love ourselves. It's not just saying, "Yeah, I guess it's okay to like myself." No, no! It's understanding that loving ourselves is like the secret sauce to having amazing connections with other people. Just as they announce when flying, 'fit your own oxygen mask first before helping a child', So too we must love ourselves unconditionally first before attempting to pass on our tainted version onto others.

See, when we truly embrace and love who we are, the essence of us, it's like we're showing our authentic selves to the world. And guess what? People actually love and appreciate that! They connect with us on a real level because we're not pretending to be someone we're not.

Power: Shifting from Control to Authentic Strength

True power isn't rooted in controlling others; it blossoms from discovering the superhero within. The survival-driven persona may have steered us towards a quest for control, but genuine strength arises from embracing our vulnerabilities and authenticity.

Sometimes, we might think being in control is powerful because it feels like power. This is only because of what your domestication has taught you. The one with the “biggest stick” gets to tell everyone else what to do! The truth is, true strength comes from being real and being totally okay with being exposed.

It's a paradigm shift from a survival-based power play to authentic empowerment. Changing our concepts of power from being the boss to being true to ourselves.

Peace: Discovering Tranquillity Beyond Survival

Conditioned by the survival imperative, our personas may paint peace as an elusive masterpiece. That said, the journey to peace is about finding calm inside of ourselves, even when everything around us feels chaotic. Especially then!

Discovering peace is like taking a deep breath and finding a calm place inside, so you can respond in a way that feels right to you, not just reacting to the craziness around. In this way we realise our true nature. We know we can step away and transcend our conditioned responses wherein we had to do whatever it takes to cope and survive. We give ourselves permission to change and respond in a way that's true grounded in our authentic essence and in alignment with who we really are.

Freedom: Liberation from Conditioned Beliefs

The conditioned persona often binds us to beliefs that have been sculpted in survival mode. True freedom involves breaking free from these chains of our programmed thinking. All too often, the way we've learned to survive ties us to certain outdated, no longer helpful, or relevant beliefs.

Real freedom is an acknowledgment that our beliefs shaped by survival instincts may no longer serve our authentic selves.

Breaking free from old ideas and beliefs frees you to dance to the beat of your authentic self!

Joy: The Authentic Melody of Living

Joy transcends transient emotions—it's the harmonious rhythm of authentic living. True joy comes to us when we align with our true essence.

Joy is the music that plays when we're living authentically. Shedding our entrained, conditioned responses which we unwittingly crafted for survival, allowing joy to emerge as the beautiful melody of our lives.

Authentic joy is when you say, "Hey, I'm going to dance to my own tune and do what feels right for me."

The Journey of Awakening: Decoding our Conditioning Models

Imagine the journey of awakening as this exciting adventure where we peel away the layers of how we've learned to act and think. These personas, etched by survival instincts, are learned responses designed to navigate life's challenges. The real game is understanding these responses and consciously opting for authenticity. where we choose to be real instead of acting out of unconscious, destructive habit patterns.

The journey through life becomes about breaking free from the masks we've worn, discovering our true selves, and embracing our authentic, real selves.

Along the way, we not only figure out who we are but also unlock the key to a super awesome and meaningful life— Unlocking the door to a life that's extraordinary and profoundly meaningful—a life lived authenticity is a heroic tale of being true to ourselves.













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