The Liberating power of Meditation.

The Liberating power of Meditation.

Modern life is becoming exponentially fast and furious...

Everybody and his/her Uncle seems to want a piece of us, and society is geared up to not give us a moments peace (If we haven't got our wits about us).

Attention hogging technology, social media, mainstream media, in your face advertising, obligations, traffic, bills to pay and a never ending barrage of deadlines and demands on our time and energy.

We are in danger of losing our ability to dis-engage from all the drama and distraction, and to simply "get quiet" and check in with ourselves from time to time.

Because its important we do that.. as a matter of self care and self empowerment- Just as folk have done since the dawn of humanity itself.

I am of course talking about the ancient art of Meditation, which is as valuable and empowering today as a daily wellness practice, as it as ever been.

So what actually is Meditation?

With over 25 years full on experience in meditation, mind/body wellness practices and personal development techniques, I am the founder and teacher of the Zenergie Meditation technique.

In the context that I practice and teach Meditation, it is a natural and effortless technique based on ancient and time tested principles (but without the mysticism or woo woo) to slip beyond the incessant chatter of an overly busy mind, and into a profoundly "Meditative state" of deep relaxation, internal stillness and heightened present moment awareness.

The recommended dosage is just 20 minutes twice a day, to have a positive impact on your health, your sense of well-being and even your potential to thrive and prosper and achieve your goals and aspirations in life.

Stress is a real passion killer and is a drag on your energy, your health and your potential. It activates your sympathetic nervous system or what is often referred to as the fight or flight response and what I like to refer to as "Survival mode" where your thoughts will generally be negative, repetitive and coming thick and fast, the heart is racing, the breath is rapid and shallow, muscles tense and tighten and stress hormones such as adrenaline and cortisone are fired round the body.

Fight or flight is our primal built in mechanism, that back in the day would spring us into action in response to physical danger such as a marauding dinosaur or an invading tribe.

Zipping forward a few thousand years and the dangers we face today are more likely to be "psychological" rather than physical - such as over-busyness, overwhelm, and all the drama, demands and distractions that comes with our modern fast paced lifestyles - But the response is still the same and we've forgotten how to switch it off.

Meditation (and specifically the Zenergie Meditation technique) De-activates (and prevents) this stress response whilst inducing the parasympathetic nervous system (rest and digest) or what I like to refer to as "Flow Mode"..

Life, as I'm sure you're probably aware is always so much better when we are in flow mode. It's no big secret these days that our outer world reality/experience is a direct reflection of our inner world. "As within - so without" When we operate in the flow of well-being we attract great opportunities and circumstances and generally tend to experience life more fully and joyfully.

Zenergie Meditation is your non negotiable daily wellness practice and your personal self empowerment tool- Its totally natural and requires no batteries, Apps, gizmo's or recordings, You just sit comfortably upright in a seat or chair with the eyes gently closed making it ideal for the home, workplace, commuting, travelling or holiday-ing.

You learn it, you own it and you'll love it..

So what does Meditation feel like?

I always deeply encourage my students/clients to have no expectations with regard to their Meditation practice, as there is no "agenda" or "goal" in the meditative state other than to "just let go, and be with it".

However, a typical experience of a 20 minute Meditation session is one of a calm settled mind, physical tension is released and the body becomes very relaxed and grounded. Breathing and heart rate slows down considerably and although you are fully awake and alert, this pleasant and healing state is considered to be as much as four times more restful and rejuvenating than the deepest sleep.

What's the ROI (return on investment) on a twice daily Meditation practice ?

The benefits of Meditation are limitless and cumulative.

Look, Feel and Sleep better.

Be more vibrant and healthy.

Be happier and more appreciative of yourself, others and life in general.

Be more creative and productive, and achieve more with less effort.

Increased awareness (mindfulness) to release limiting beliefs, and make better choices regarding your well-being and your results.

Be more resilient and solution oriented when dealing with the inevitable curve balls and challenges of life.

Generally experience "more ease" and less stress, to do whatever it is you do, best..

Is Meditation easy to learn and put into practice?

Absolutely.. The Zenergie Meditation technique is the absolute embodiment of simplicity and effortlessness and on completion of the short course of instruction you will be a fully self sufficient and confident daily meditation master for life :)

I offer tuition on a 1-1 basis and to small groups of up to about ten people either in-person or via Zoom and also as a cost effective and convenient alternative you can get started straight away with my online Udemy training (Link below).

If learning to meditate (for real and for life) with an experienced and passionate teacher is something that might appeal to you, and/or your staff or team, then just simply drop me a line to book or learn more.

Wishing you Abundant Health and good vibes, Darren.

Mob. 07979 317490

Email. [email protected]



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