Liberals move forward to create and build 'safe and pandemic-free Canada again' by imposing mandatory and proof vaccination
Angela Cucuietu ??
CANADA TODAY NEWS | BRIGHT PEOPLE MEDIA | Specialty in Communications, Business Admin. & Human Resources Management
Canada Today - We reflect on two latest conference events provided by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau? in Sudbury at a Laurentian campus Tuesday, August 31, 2021, where he spoke his message to anti-vaxxers crowed; And on the conference news from Mississauga, Ontario August 3, 2021 - Finishing fight against COVID-19.
''People are willing to do their part to get through this pandemic and that's what we will do together."
We all agree that Canadians made incredible sacrifices over the past year and a half. "People are willing to do their part to get through this pandemic and that's what we will do together." - said?Justin Trudeau.?Because here we must be honest - another way just will not work. We live in a pandemic time, and our behaviour and response to the pandemic have to be adequate.?
Our Canada must stand together in the fight against COVID-19. Any kind of speculations about the health safety of Canadians is unacceptable. Political leaders and parties should understand and respect this statement. Protecting against the virus and stopping the development of new viruses should be a top priority. But if the leader remains on the side of people with "bad behaviour" - what will we achieve? - Some voices and new variants of concerns? - The longer someone plays the game with bad behaviour, the worse it is for all. Because no one will be safe until everyone is protected. - So go and talk, explain.
Adults, stand up to protect children because they cannot get advanced vaccines protection - Do your part to keep them safe;
A back to school time is always an exciting emotional moment for parents and children. We think and ask questions about what they will learn on the first day of school, who is the teacher and their friends in the class are. However, this back-to-school time is in pandemic reality and therefore, parents are most concerned about the health and safety of their children. What is the solution to change the situation? The more eligible Canadian adults are vaccinated, the less risk there will be for Canadian children in schools.
We all could see how political leaders posed themselves since the pandemic began. We could see their leadership impact, work and attitude to ensuring the safety of Canadians at the beginning of the pandemic, and we see them today. If you are a political leader and you influence your party, team and people - speak to them and explain to fight against COVID -19 virus, but not against people. Just watch what is going on with the virus situation in some of the Canadian provinces, in the United States, in the EU. I am not saying to check on other countries such as Africa. We have to put effort into stopping the virus even this isn't an easy task.?
I agree with the video message from Prime Minister?Justin Trudeau?- Speaking to the crowd, he underlined that;?
''The folks out there shouting -?the anti-vaxxers - they're wrong," - They are putting at risk their own kids, and they're putting at risk our?kids as well.'' - said Justin Trudeau. The liberal federal government is going to work with provinces and territories that want to create vaccination certificates or vaccination passports. This is a positive thing because it will protect and keep Canadians who are fully vaccinated safe, and businesses and educational institutions operate in a safe environment.
'' Without strong leadership on vaccines, our kids won't be safe in the classroom, our businesses won't grow and thrive, and all Canadians will be at risk," - Justin Trudeau
Today August 3, the main election news and message came from Mississauga, Ontario. Liberals aim to move forward to get the job done on vaccines and finish the fight against COVID-19. A re-elected Liberal government is going to certify provincial vaccine passports for use in international travel as a temporary measure until the federal version is put in place. Due to the fact that health information is the competence of provinces, any national program will first have to start working at the provincial and only then on a federal level.?
As we learned from last week announcement, a re-elected Liberal government is going to invest $1 billion to help provinces in the development of their own vaccine passports for domestic use;
The province of Quebec and?British Columbia have created their own way for the vaccination proof, and the Liberal party collaborates with them to "add a federal element of certification to show it at international airports" while travelling. It is great to hear about Manitoba and Ontario provinces from the news - they also are on the way to develop their own proof vaccination system. "It is an interim measure that will be very good for the next year or so, easily, while we prioritize the things that are going to keep Canadians safe," - said, Justin Trudeau at the conference time.
"We will be bringing in that more formalized version in the coming months or a year perhaps, but the priority is giving people a solid document that will allow them to do both things (travelling and accessing non-essential services domestically)." - said Prime Minister.
We all create and build 'safe Canada again' by getting fully vaccinated;
In the finishing fight against the COVID-19, the Liberal Party continue securing enough vaccines and booster shots. If happens someone is needed one more vaccine to boost their immune system, they can get it when is asked.
However, let's talk about how thinks and influences others, a true and great political leader of a country when there is still an ongoing pandemic??- To move forward with the rebuilding economy, live a normal safe from the virus life, and go with good projects and works for Canadians - we all need to create a virus-free environment where people can work. And let's say it one more time - There is no alternative to vaccination protection. Rapid PPE tests, masks and other measures serve just as additional protection.
''When you board a plane, you want to know that the people sitting around you are fully vaccinated. We’ll move forward with mandatory vaccines on planes, trains, and cruise ships to make sure you stay safe while you travel.'' - Justin Trudeau said.
Let's change, and move towards normal and healthy thinking and mentality on social media, and then this will go everywhere. Getting vaccinated will unite us all - and will not divide us. The reality and truth of today are next: People near and around you want to feel safe, and they want and have the right to know that no one will pose for them and their kids the risk of COVID-19 sickness.
However, recently people on social media talk about how do we as a society get divided? - The sad truth consists in, we are divided when people who we love, who we know, and don't know get sick. We get divided by lockdowns which are one of the right measures to stop the COVID-19 from spreading. So let's put selfishness aside, get vaccinated, and live a normal life. Nonetheless, we must start in a safe way to take steps to recovery and change the situation for the better.?
''We can’t afford to move backward. Not in the fight against COVID-19 or the climate crisis. Not on health care or child care. Not for seniors, workers, or families.'' - Justin Trudeau said.
During this challenging time, we had learned many things together. We learned from wearing masks, using PPE tests, to getting more advanced protection such as vaccination. Since the beginning, we did our best to fight COVID-19. And let's say - there no one had the experience on how to overcome, deal and conduct a country in the uncertainty of COVID -19 pandemic, but we all have stood together. And today, we continue our hard work, and we put all our efforts into aiming to create Canada a pandemic-free country again. The proof of vaccination passports or certifications is going to help us all - the governments, businesses and people in the fight against the virus.?
And in conclusion, let say - Canadians deserve to have an experienced government that has proved its commitment and work in the health and safety of its citizens and Canada's good future;
When the pandemic hit our normal lives, the Federal Government team led by Prime Minister?Justin Trudeau?has introduced health and safety measures and provided financial supports to Canadian citizens and businesses in overcoming pandemic challenges in the safest way possible at that time.?Therefore, today, we put Canadians’ health and safety first as we must continue the fight against this pandemic together - Because no one is safe till everyone is protected.
Canadians deserve a plan that will move this country forward - The Liberal Party and Prime Minister?Justin Trudeau?have a real and ambitious plan to finish the fight against COVID-19, rebuild our economy, keep Canadians safe and recover on a human and social level; Therefore, we believe that the Liberal Party's plan is what Canada and Canadians need today.
To get the good works and project working - Your support and voice matter.- We would like to hear you. Thank you. #ForwardForEveryone
Listen to Justin Trudeau's conference speech regarding vaccine policies, assault weapons ban;
Ps: There is no alternative to vaccination protection. Rapid PPE tests, masks and other measures serve just as additional protection. -
There are reasonable and argumentative explanations given by medical experts and doctors on why 'COVID-19 testing not an effective alternative to mandatory vaccines, experts say ' - Medical experts are not in favour of the testing option:
- ''Rapid testing and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing. Rapid testing only has about a 50 per cent chance of detecting COVID-19, according to Vaisman, while PCR's sensitivity can reach up to 80 per cent.
Ontario's rules call for rapid testing — the less effective method — to be used, rather than PCR.''
- ''"Why would we use a crappier test in this period while we're waiting to get everybody fully vaccinated?"
- "But, you know, that's the kind of weirdness that we're seeing in decision-makers when it comes to this." And find more in :